Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Crash test for dummies

Illegals go free while taxpayers pay price

by Michael Graham
Tuesday, Jun. 1, 2010

Hey, Rep. Moran, how do you say “karma” in Spanish?

Michael Moran of Brighton is a staunch supporter of the “sanctuary” approach to illegal immigration we have here in Massachusetts. He voted against the Perry amendment that would require applicants for state benefits to prove they’re here legally. Moran voted for subsidized college tuition for illegals, too.

It’s safe to say that no Massachusetts politician has done more to make illegal immigrants feel welcome. Illegal immigrants like 27-year-old Isaias Naranjo, who (ahem) “met” Moran on the streets of Brighton last week.

According to Fox 25, Naranjo was driving 60 mph when he slammed his car into Moran’s. Naranjo was also drunk, driving without a license and - in an only-in-Massachusetts twist - was wearing a “Mexican costume” at the time.

Now if Naranjo were just another Massachusetts taxpayer, he would be in some serious guacamole. But Fox reports that when police tried to explain the seriousness of his situation, he just laughed.

“Nothing is going to happen to me, man,” Naranjo told the cops. That’s because he was “going back to my home country, Mexico.”

Naranjo had gotten the Massachusetts message: It’s never illegal to be illegal here. In fact sometimes it’s pretty damn good.

It lets you take advantage of Department of State Police General Order INV-17 - put into place by the Patrick administration - declaring it “inappropriate for state police to inquire about, or investigate a non-citizen’s immigration status.” No matter how many times a drunken, unlicensed, hit-and-run driver like Naranjo shouts “Go screw, coppers, I’m going back to Mexico,” our staties - and municipal cops for that matter - are under orders not to notice.

And the guys giving those orders are Gov. Deval Patrick and Rep. Moran. So while I’m sorry Moran was involved in an accident, you gotta admit: It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

Do die-hard liberals like Patrick understand that criminal immigrants like this aren’t laughing with us, they’re laughing at us? That Democrats who feel like heroes for supporting benefits to illegals look like suckers to people like Naranjo and Aunt Zeituni who are gaming the system?

It’s embarrassing and getting worse. Even after the Moran case, a spokesperson for Patrick reiterated his support for the “I don’t want to know” approach to illegal immigration.

And if you think this drunk guy in the funny suit was laughing during his arrest, wait until he finds out that, according to Rep. Jeff Perry, Massachusetts judges aren’t allowed to consider his immigration status in setting bail. Which means he could be out on the streets and back in his “home country” by the weekend.

Perry wants to change that, a change almost certain to be opposed by Beacon Hill liberals.

Anyone remember the case of the 4-year-old boy grabbed at a public urinal at the Market Basket in Raynham? The guy who grabbed him was an illegal immigrant from Guatemala. The police released this child-groping perv to await trial and then were stunned when he didn’t show up for his court date.

He was back in Guatemala, of course.

Are we going to stay this stupid on purpose? Are we going to keep boycotting Arizona for enforcing immigration laws while we release illegals who crash our cars and grope our kids?

Someone’s a total clown in this story, Rep. Moran, and it’s not the guy in the costume.

PATRICK: Lets clowns be in control.
PATRICK: Lets clowns be in control who also believes
that "It's not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts
(Sketch Artist Insert)

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