Sunday, January 31, 2010

Yes, you can judge a bill by its sponsers

Article 2-1-10

Two bills, two disgraced politicians

by Howie Carr
Monday, Feb. 1, 2010

Like a bad penny, the in-state-tuition-for-illegal-aliens bill is back, and who do you suppose is, or was, its lead sponsor in the Senate?

Sen. Anthony D. (for Drunkard) Galluccio. That’s right, the now ex-senator, formerly of Cambridge, now of Billerica, as in the Billerica House of Correction.

Do you suppose Jail-uccio ingested a bad ice cube, or at least some high-octane toothpaste, before he scrawled this legislation giving foreign freeloaders yet another handout?

Sadly, he was unable to testify in favor of his own bill because he’d already made his one phone call of the day.

Then there’s the companion bill in the House, H. 1175. Its lead sponsor is Rep. Marie St. Fleur (D-Dorchester). Remember her? She wanted to run statewide in 2006 until it was discovered that she had $40,000 in unpaid student loans, a $12,700 lien on her home for unpaid federal taxes, had failed to pay excise taxes in the city . . . shall I go on?

By its sponsors, ye shall know a bill.

The hacks on Beacon Hill still don’t get it. They have learned nothing from the victory of Scott Brown.

Last Wednesday, the illegals and their political enablers were once again at the State House, banging the tin cup, demanding more free rides.

These bills themselves are more of the same old, same old. The Galluccio-St. Fleur types say that it’s “only” for illegals who graduated from local high schools.

So why do you suppose Galluccio, before he was locked up, entitled the bill “An Act Relative to Equal Access to Higher Education”?

Equal access? Illegal aliens will pay a fraction of the tuition charged to American kids whose parents work and pay income taxes in this state, but live in, say, New Hampshire.

And when the illegals say they want to pay “in-state” tuition, what they really mean is no tuition. When they do work, it’s usually under the table, which means they show no income, which means . . . scholarships.

Of course there is a way they could actually earn U.S. citizenship and a college scholarship at the same time. They could enlist in the military. Three years, and you get citizenship, plus the GI Bill. That’s what immigrants used to do.

But now, in Massachusetts, “earn” is a four-letter word, and so is “work.” Hate speech, almost, and certainly very mean-spirited.

Sorry, illegals, we’re tapped out. That’s why Scott Brown won the election.

Sen. Anthony D. Galluccio (left) and...
Above are two of Boston's finest politicians: Sen.
Anthony D. Galluccio (D) (left) and Rep. Marie St.
Fleur (D).
(DNN Staff photos)

Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano

Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Left throws Obama for a loop

Article 1-25-10

Massachusetts sent Obama a needed message

by Bill O'Reilly
Monday, Jan. 25, 2009

More than anything else, it was the foolishness of the far left that harpooned Martha Coakley in Massachusetts. Independents broke big for Scott Brown, and his own internal polling showed that national security issues like civilian trials for al-Qaeda thugs and the president’s seemingly soft approach on terrorism in general helped Brown to a smashing victory.

President Obama, of course, is the big loser along with Coakley. His trip to Massachusetts last Sunday was gutsy, but foolish in hindsight. Voters in a very liberal state simply rejected his request to elect another liberal. The president lost face and power and has to know it.

Now, Obamacare is in great jeopardy, cap and trade is dead, tax increases will not happen and liberal policies across the board are on the run. All of this is the fault of the far left, a group led by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and a number of radical journalists. Brown should send these people fruit baskets.

As Obama acknowledged on Wednesday, the same voter dissatisfaction that swept him into office gave Brown a Senate seat. But why are voters so disenchanted after only one year of the Obama administration? The short answer is: ideology.

With the exception of Afghanistan and firing drones at terrorists, Obama has governed far to the left. He is allowing the Democratic Congress to spend a record amount of money, and that may lead the U.S. into bankruptcy. He is trying to engineer a government takeover of the health-care industry. He is affording heinous terrorists captured overseas full constitutional rights. He is attempting to tax corporations and wealthy Americans any way he can.

In addition, he entertains uber-left guys such as George Soros at the White House. He gives radical unions such as the SEIU tax breaks while most other unions don’t get them. He fails to criticize Pelosi and Reid when they hide their health-care negotiations from C-SPAN, even though candidate Obama openly promised such negotiations would be public. If this isn’t far-left governance, I’m Hugo Chavez.

And do you know what? Independent-minded Americans don’t like it.

Just look at the polls. Twenty percent of Americans describe themselves as liberal. So you figure the far left is less than half of that.

If Obama wants to avoid the fate of Jimmy Carter, he must move quickly to the center. He must get tougher on terrorism, rethink the health-care deal so Americans can understand it and stimulate the economy with targeted tax cuts, not massive government spending.

With his power waning quickly, Obama has no time to lose.

2010: Senator-elect Scott Brown got a...
Scott Brown gets a kiss from his wife before
sending President Obama and Washington
a direct message during his victory speech at
the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston. (DNN Staff photo)

Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano

Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Martha Coakley a loser and a sore one at that

Article 1-19-10

Historic election deserves change, not Martha Coakley

by Michael Graham
Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2010

No matter what happens at the ballot box today, one thing is certain: Martha Coakley is a loser.

Even if Bill Clinton and Barack Obama can somehow rescue her candidacy, Coakley will never recover from the self-inflicted damage of the worst political campaign in recent history.

Win or lose, she will forever be Martha the Blind - the woman who couldn’t see terrorists in Afghanistan, or a staffer giving a beatdown to a reporter right before her eyes. She’s Sen. Spellcheck, forced to pull one ad because her campaign misspelled Massachusetts, then another because it superimposed Scott Brown’s image in front of the World Trade Center.

Given the incompetence of her campaign, she was lucky it was a pre-9/11 photo of the towers.

In the Democratic primary, Coakley ran on the one thing she couldn’t get wrong: being a woman. It’s been downhill ever since.

Right after losing the primary, Rep. Michael Capuano was asked what he learned on the campaign trail. “You’re screwed,” he told his Democratic colleagues. Everyone wondered what he meant. Now we know.

While Scott Brown was wearing out a set of truck tires on retail politics, Coakley sniffed at the idea of “standing outside, Fenway Park in the cold, shaking hands.” She certainly didn’t waste time explaining her positions on health care or national security to the voters, in part because when she tried, it became painfully clear she didn’t understand them herself.

Coakley’s arrogant assumption of victory was so strong that midway through the brief campaign season, she simply disappeared off the campaign trail for days.

When independent voters and moderate Democrats were wondering if Coakley was out of touch, she answered by jetting off to Washington for a big-dollar lobbyist fundraiser. Why didn’t she just stop by AIG and present them with a bonus check while she was at it?

Then suddenly she found herself in a competitive political race. And how did Coakley respond? She threw a political tantrum.

Voters were deluged with Coakley’s attack ads - so many they could barely fit in the commercial breaks. Dark, ominous and ugly, Coakley’s media message was the polar opposite to that offered by smiling Scott Brown.

In the end, Coakley spent millions on TV ads that actually drove her own numbers down.

And then, as though to prove she couldn’t do anything right, she held a fundraiser starring the U.N. envoy to Haiti.

What was Coakley thinking, having Bill Clinton at a $2,400-per-person fundraiser at the Fairmont Copley while crying Haitian families were clawing through the rubble looking for loved ones? Is rescuing a desperately incompetent Democrat really more important than saving the starving of Haiti?

This is the kind of political stupidity it takes for a Democrat to lose a Senate race in Massachusetts. You can’t just run a weak campaign, or commit a gaffe or two. You’ve got to run an absolute disaster of a campaign to lose to a Republican here.

And that’s what Coakley delivered. It wasn’t the Hindenburg or the Titanic. It was the Hindenburg crashing into the Titanic.

She may end up in the Senate yet, but Martha Coakley will never recover.

Massachusetts Attorney General Martha...
Martha Coakley will do anything to get elected. She
is shown in an above photo using the annual MLK
Day Breakfast for political gain.
(DNN Staff photo)

Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano

Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

For some reason, another article where I run out of space

Article 1-11-10

A glancing look at your Democrats hard at work for you

by Donnie Boston
Monday, Jan. 11, 2010

Since the Democrats have taken over Massachusetts, can you say things have gotten better for you?

Well, let me run by you what they have accomplished since you've elected many of them to office. They are listed in no particular order.

Your governor, Deval Patrick promised you before he got elected that he would cut your property tax. Instead he raised taxes on everything he has gotten his hands on, including upping the sales tax 25 percent. And let's not forget the law he abolished to have all illegals arrested on the spot.

Your Mayor, Tom Menino once again hosed you right after electing him for a fifth term by upping your property tax 6.3 percent. This is after recently mandating a new meals tax while knowing the sales tax also went up 25 percent.

Your Democratic leaders promised that if you didn't vote out the state income tax you wouldn't have to pay a hefty price. Can you say you've been hosed again?

After raising your property tax, the city sells a $430,000 welfare building in East Boston to a developer for $100. It was later acknowledged that the developer donated $500 to the mayor's re-election campaign.

Your mayor's Liaison for East Boston, John Forbes got caught servicing Boston's neighborhoods with dope. Some of his services included selling drugs inside City Hall. He was arrested and is facing 10 to 20 years in prison.

Your mayor's top aid, Mike Kineavy got caught deleting thousands of public e-mails that was in violation of the state's public records laws. He was forced to take a leave of absence without pay.

Your state senator, Anthony Galluccio blamed toothpaste for failing a home Breathalyzer test after he was placed under house arrest for a hit and run accident. He is now serving one year in prison for violating his probation.

Your State Senator, Dianne Wilkerson could face 20 years in prison for getting caught on camera stuffing bribe cash into her bra. Also, your City Councilman, Chuck Turner had the cuffs placed on him at City Hall for pocketing cash in relation to the same bribe.

Your State Senator, Jim Marzilli had to be removed from the Senate after sexually harassing women at an Octoberfest.

Your elected official in Middlesex County, John Buonomo got caught on camera robbing thousands of dollars out of copy machines in the Registry of Deeds in Cambridge. He claimed he needed the cash for office supplies. He is now serving 30 months in prison.

Sal DiMasi became your third Democratic House Speaker in a row to get indicted. He got caught embezzling cash from a software company to open up a third mortgage on his North End home. He could face more than 20 years in prison.

Your State Rep. Michael Rodrigues journeyed to New Hampshire to buy alcohol to avoid paying the 6.25 percent tax he voted for.

True or false? Are you paying more and getting a lot less ever since...?

Martha Coakley believes in defending illegal aliens. She is one of the overwhelmingly majority of your Democrats who don't know what illegal stands for. And she is your state's Attorney General now running to be your U.S. Senator.

Your late U.S. Senator, Ted Kennedy said it was the un-Democratic thing to do when Republican Gov. Romney wanted to appoint a successor to an open Senate Seat. He changed his tune when Democratic Gov. Patrick suggested to do the same.

Can you give me a number on how many of your Democratic legislators have not paid their fair share of taxes?

Your former Rep., Robert Coughlin believes in double-dipping. He continued working on the Bio-Tech Welfare bill while applying to be head of the Bio-Tech Council. He later received an ethics fine of $10,000.

Your Democratic-controlled legislature has been in session to preserve the hack holidays of Evacuation Day and Bunker Hill Day. There is nothing more important.

Why is it when I write about them Democrats I always run out of space?


U.S. Attorney's Office
In this photo provided by the U.S. Attorney's office,
State Senator Dianne Wilkerson is shown stuffing a $1,000
cash bribe in her bra. Just one out of the many crimes
committed by the Democrats of Massachusetts.

Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Top 10 fears for this decade

Article 1-5-10

Howie Carr sums up decade ahead

by Howie Carr
Monday, Jan. 4, 2010

This doesn’t qualify as either a fear or a prediction, but let me first express my concern that the whole premise of this exercise may be flawed, because this wretched decade may not really expire until Dec. 31, 2010.

Just wanted to get my two cents in on that one.

OK, here are my concerns, fears, premonitions, etc. for the next decade, in no particular order:

1. New Hampshire finally falls, irredeemably, to the moonbats, and all the apprentice Hodeses and Shea-Porters in Concord begin imposing onerous income and sales taxes. Now there is nowhere to flee.

2. Whitey Bulger is finally arrested - in Europe, at a hospital, where he is dying. It’s too late to punish him, he just wants to come home, in true Bulger fashion, on the taxpayers’ dime. Then we learn that Whitey was turned in by his brother Billy, the Corrupt Midget, who then claims the $2 million reward - one final joke on the taxpayers.

3. The Boston Globe doesn’t go out of business after all. Or, when the inevitable happens, we have to change the name of this newspaper to the Herald-Globe or, even more unthinkably, the Globe-Herald. The first day we own their rancid rag, the few remaining bow-tied bumkissers and trust-funded blow-in drifters from New York recognize me easily as I stroll through the newsroom. I’m the one wearing the green “Kiss Me I’m Irish” button.

4. May 13, 2013, Boston City Hall, at a press conference in the Eagle Room, Mayor Mumbles announces: “Sure, I’m 70, but I feel great, I’ve stabilized my weight at 320 pounds, and at the urging of so many of my constituents, I am here today to announce that I will be a candidate for a sixth . . .”

5. Fidelity announces it’s moving its headquarters to Texas (or Florida, or Tennessee - somewhere without an income tax). Who can blame them? It’s tough to run a First World company in a Third World state.

6. More crooked politicians desperately try to regain their state pensions and law licenses after felony convictions. This year’s champion greedhead was Felon Finneran, next year it will be Sal DiMasi’s turn, and then comes Dianne Wilkerson. . . . “Have they no shame?” has always been a rhetorical question, but never more so than today. Am I right, Chuck “Superfly” Turner?

7. Republicans lose the 2010 governor’s race. That really would be the end. If the GOP can’t prevail in this environment of unbridled corruption and incompetence, it will embolden the hackocracy to yet more thefts of hot stoves without gloves. Think repeal of Prop 2 , a graduated income tax, free college tuition for illegal aliens, the highest gas tax in the country, and that’s just for starters.

8. Soon-to-be-ex-state-Sen. Anthony Galluccio on the lecture circuit, warning high-school students of the disease of alcohol (and toothpaste) addiction. One squirt is too many, and a thousand are not enough. My eyelids are getting heavy, very heavy . . .

9. Geriatric moonbat politicians collecting million-dollar advances to excrete dreary 600-page memoirs that no one will ever read. John Kerry writes “A Gigolo’s Progress.” Barney Frank pens “Up from Hot Bottom.” So Deval Patrick won’t deliver his (ghostwritten?) manuscript to the publisher on time? Be thankful for small favors.

10. My worst nightmare: I end up as the last English-speaking U.S. citizen on the dying AM-radio band. Actually, this prediction already seems to be on the verge of coming to pass, here in the last decade that may or may not have ended Thursday at midnight.

MORE MUMBLIN’? Howie predicts...
More trouble for taxpayers? Howie predicts that
big hefty tax and spender Mayor Tom Menino will
run for a 6th term. (File Photo)

Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano

Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.