Sunday, June 27, 2010

Enforcing immigration law isn't U.S. goal

Michael Graham

A Father's Day held hostage by Brazilian celebrants

by Michael Graham
Monday, Jun. 28, 2010

“ ‘The problem is,’ Obama said, ‘if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.’ In other words, they’re holding it hostage.” - Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) recounting a private conversation with President Barack Obama.

You’re right, Sen. Kyl. And I was one of the hostages.

Sunday afternoon - Father’s Day - I was driving my four kids through Framingham to grab some ice cream and open my Dad’s Day gifts. We rounded a bend on Route 135 and were swamped by a sea of yellow-jerseyed chaos. Brazil had won a soccer match.

“ ‘The problem is,’ Obama said, ‘if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.’ In other words, they’re holding it hostage.” - Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) recounting a private conversation with President Barack Obama.

You’re right, Sen. Kyl. And I was one of the hostages.

Sunday afternoon - Father’s Day - I was driving my four kids through Framingham to grab some ice cream and open my Dad’s Day gifts. We rounded a bend on Route 135 and were swamped by a sea of yellow-jerseyed chaos. Brazil had won a soccer match.

family, trapped in the streets by a swarming street party straight from Sao Paulo.

After 15 minutes, my 7-year-old daughter asked: “Daddy, why can’t we go home?”

“Because the Brazilians are celebrating,” I told her.

“Yeah . . . but why can’t we go home?”

And that is the question, isn’t it? Why couldn’t we drive through an American town on Father’s Day? Why were my American kids stuck in a car for nearly an hour? Because a soccer team from Brazil won a match against the Ivory Coast played in South Africa?

And why did all this happen with the full cooperation of the town of Framingham?

It happened because of our enforcement-averse government. Kyl is right: The “plan” to deal with illegal immigration is to allow it to continue.

Look at the case of Lorraine Henderson, the former Homeland Security employee who was busted for hiring illegal immigrants to work for her. Her job at Logan was to fight against illegal immigration so it only seems reasonable that she would be prosecuted for flagrantly violating the law, right? But guess who federal Judge Douglas Woodlock declared the true criminals - the prosecutors!

Delivering what Herald reporter O’Ryan Johnson called a “third-degree lashing” to the U.S. Attorney’s office, Woodlock bemoaned that “a person’s life has been crushed,” meaning the criminal hypocrite who violated the public trust and the laws she was hired to enforce. And now that there are consequences to breaking the law, a federal judge is upset.

It’s the same story in Arizona, where Phoenix is now a world leader in kidnappings. So what is the Obama administration doing? Why, suing Arizona for enforcing immigration law, of course.

Arizona is trying to protect its citizens by doing a job that the feds refuse to do - and this makes it the bad guy? Why aren’t the bad guys the gutless Washington weasels whose inaction has created the problem?

Because illegal immigrants can never be the bad guys, not to PC-brained liberals.

Obviously not all the Brazilians blocking traffic were illegal immigrants. But it was funny how often the celebrants who ran past our car, shouting in Portuguese, would peer in as if to ask, “What are you doing here?” They seemed to say, “You’re in the wrong place.”

An American family on an American street, and we were the ones who didn’t belong.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (File)
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer announces that she is ready
to fight President Obama's lawsuit against her state's
immigration law enforcement.
(DNN Staff photo)

Donnie Howie Michael Bill
My Photos | Donnie Boston Howie CarrMichael Graham
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Honeymoon's over

Gulf spill has Lefties fuming at Obama

by Bill O'Reilly
Monday, Jun. 21, 2010

Hell has frozen over! The far left in America is turning on their guy Barack Obama.

After his speech on the oil disaster a few days ago, the crazy left Greek chorus on MSNBC hammered the president. He wasn’t specific enough, he was too weak, I don’t sense “executive command,” they wailed.

You would have thought they were talking about President Bush. In fact, many of the anti-Obama criticisms echoed the Hurricane Katrina invective directed toward Bush in 2005.

Usually, the far-left covers for its folks, provides them excuse after excuse for their failures. But this time, generally speaking, conservatives have been more generous toward President Obama’s oil spill predicament than liberals.

Fair-minded people understand that nobody on the planet knows how to plug that gushing broken pipe. As far as reacting slowly, Obama is guilty - but how many times do you slam the man for allowing BP to dictate the initial play when the oil rig collapsed? Yes, it was foolish. But Monday morning quarterbacking doesn’t really get us anywhere once that has been established.

So, there has to be something more in play - and there is.

Far-left policy in America is largely a coordinated effort. The point place is the Huffington Post, which has replaced MoveOn as the driving force for radical left propaganda. People like John Podesta, George Soros, Arianna Huffington and lesser-known leftists discuss policy agenda among themselves and then send it out to their willing accomplices in the mainstream media.

One of those accomplices is Cynthia Tucker, who writes for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. After hearing the president’s speech, Tucker opined: “He didn’t use the moment to assert a resolute sense of command. Nor did he use it to call on Americans to make the sacrifices that will be necessary to make the transition from petroleum to cleaner fuels.”

Ah-ha! So, it’s not really about the oil spill. It’s about global warming! Apparently, some on the far left believe Obama is not doing his job as a warming warrior. Therein lies the genesis of the disenchantment.

The global warming crew is furious that Obama expanded ocean drilling a few months ago, and they are crazed that the cap-and-trade bill is stalled in Congress. Along with expanded entitlements for the poor, combating global warming has become a fanatical issue for those who graze in pastures owned by Soros.

If you listened to the president’s speech, it wasn’t horrendous.

He put forth the case that he’s doing everything he can and will hold BP accountable for the cleanup and for compensating Americans who are getting hurt. You may disagree with the president, but the speech certainly wasn’t a disaster.

Therefore, the hysteria displayed by far-left commentators is totally out of proportion until you factor in the climate-change angst.

Very simply, his once devoted supporters are now giving Barack Obama the cold shoulder over global warming.

This image from video provided by BP...
Sunday' image shows oil continuing to gush millions
of gallons a day, from the broken wellhead, at the
site of the Deepwater Horizon oil well in the
Gulf of Mexico. If not contained, scientist say it could
threaten world environment.

Donnie Howie Michael Bill

My Photos | Donnie Boston Howie CarrMichael Graham
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The latest status symbol: Illegal alien

Truths regarding illegal aliens in America

by Howie Carr
Tuesday, Jun. 15, 2010

If I ever get in a jam, I ask no special favors.

Just treat me like an illegal alien. Please. Especially one from terror-infested Pakistan. Believe it or not, it’s even sweeter to be a Pakistani Illegal - excuse me, an undocumented worker - than a pregnant illiterate freeloader from Mexico.

Let us consider the cases of the Khan cousins from Pakistan. Their attorney is one Saher Macarius, who won’t return my phone calls.

First there’s Pir D. Khan, a 43-year-old illegal cabbie who on at least one Boston hackney license scrawled “illegal.” He illegally entered the country from Mexico. Even the impeccably PC Attorney General Eric Holder has said that Khan and his illegal-alien pals may

have provided money transfers to would-be Times Square terror bomber Faisal Shazad.

In 1994, Pir claimed he had a wife and child in Pakistan. At the time he was seeking “political asylum.” This is also known as “doing the Auntie Zeituni,” because a successful plea enables the invader to immediately begin collecting welfare from the infidel dogs.

Pir D. Khan’s plea to go on the dole was rejected, but pending appeal he was allowed to stay in the land where everything is free, at least if you’re illegal. In December 2008, Khan got married to an American woman known as Rebecca May Barry.

This would have made him a bigamist, but not to worry. His lawyer now says that despite what Pir D. Kahn had claimed earlier, presumably under pains of perjury, he had never been legally married to the first woman, in Pakistan. And if that wasn’t enough, now she’s dead.

Khan’s American “bride” didn’t show up at his most recent immigration hearing. But his lawyer said she would suffer “extreme personal hardship” if her, ahem, husband, is sent back to the Third World hellhole from which he fled. At the time of his arrest, by the way, Pir Khan was living not with his “wife,” but with some other males in an apartment in Watertown, including his fellow illegal-alien cousin.

Do you begin to see how the immigration/welfare system works? An illegal alien’s case is never over . . . until the illegal alien wins. After which he goes on welfare, or more likely, continues on the dole. Like Auntie Zeituni.

Imagine if you - or any other U.S. citizen - had lied on an official document about a spouse. Can you say “perjury?” And if the feds had evidence tying you to an Islamic terrorist who was trying to blow up a theater full of American kids at a Saturday matinee of a Disney Broadway show in Times Square. How would the feds treat a “militiaman?”

Next we come to Pir’s cousin, Aftab Khan. This illegals visa expired Nov. 17 and the very next day, he married an American citizen at Cambridge City Hall. True love, obviously. She got him on the rebound, according to the feds, after another U.S. citizen declined his offer of $5,000 to marry him.

Oh sure, the G-men say this scheming foreigner had the Times Square bomber’s phone number on his cellphone, and yes, the number was also found on a piece of paper in Aftabs’ Watertown hideout. Gunga Din he wasnt. But Aftab Khan “denies the allegations.”

You got a problem with that? Then prepare to get a subpoena from the U.S. attorney’s new hate-crimes unit.

Obama's aunt Zeituni, recently was granted freedom to live

in the U.S. after living here for more than a decade at the

expense of the taxpayers.

(File photo)

Donnie Howie Michael Bill
My Photos | Donnie Boston | Donnie Boston Howie CarrMichael Graham
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Deval Patrick: I stand before you to get behind you

Patrick hides real truth at state's convention

by Howie Carr
Monday, Jun. 7, 2010

Here is the speech Gov. Deval Patrick could have delivered yesterday to the payroll patriots at the state Democratic convention in Worcester:

“My fellow hacks, let me begin by quoting a line from one of my favorite films, ‘Blazing Saddles,’ which perfectly sums up what this campaign is all about.

‘We have to protect our phony baloney jobs here, gentlemen.’

And not just our phony baloney jobs, but those of our worthless kinsmen and pals. It’s for the children - our children - that they, too, might one day have toll booths and fare boxes to steal from, like their jailbird forefathers before them.

We may have our differences, you and I, but remember one thing: As governor, I am the only person standing between you and the Dreaded Private Sector, as if any of you slugs in the Probation Department or the DCR could find, let alone keep, a real job, the kind where you don’t get Bunker Hill Day off.

Think about all we’ve accomplished together: sales tax up 25 percent, new drapes in the Corner Office, casinos on the way. Auntie Zeituni on the dole. A $1.35 million book contract for me. And don’t forget our ethics reform - not a single member of the Legislature has been convicted of a felony in the last 48 hours.

Vicki Kennedy is here today. We cherish the memory of her late husband, which is costing us at least $58 million in federal pork, and I urge everyone to read his biography, or should I say hagiography, “Last Lion,” now available at fine remainder tables everywhere.

Let us recall, too, the other fallen heroes of the hackerama, laid low by surveillance video, bad ice cubes or simple hubris. Finneran, DiMasi, Galluccio, Marzilli, Dianne Wilkerson - and pay no attention to that robo-call I made for her in 2008.

And a very special shoutout today to John Buonomo, an inspiration to us all. Forget Beacon Hill, let’s hear it today for Winter Hill.

This is an exciting moment . . . well, OK, it’s actually pretty dreary, spending a weekend in Worcester, unless maybe you’re Guy Glodis. Speaking of which, we’re with the sheriff. It’s how we modern Democrats celebrate diversity, by allowing a white male or two from Massachusetts on the statewide ticket. I need Suzanne Bump about as much as I needed Susan Goldberg in ’06.

I can’t come right and say it, but I’m with Steve Murphy, too. Number one, if he wins, I get another one of my homeboys, Tito Jackson, onto the City Council. Plus, I’m not sure Steve Grossman can beat Polito. He’s one of those guys who if he gave a fireside chat, the fire would go out.

Have any of you been reading the national polls? At the risk of jinxing myself, I’m one of the few Democrat incumbents anywhere who’s ahead, and I may be the only one who’s up by double digits. As you leave the hall this afternoon, if you see Tim Cahill out on the sidewalk with a megaphone pretending to attack me, be sure to shake his hand, wink, and tell him how grateful we all are. Our plan is working perfectly.

And thanks, too, to Charlie Baker, for resurrecting the same all-star GOP brain trust that ran such a stellar campaign for Muffy Healey against us four years ago.

Now, I’m headed out to my mansion in Richmond. I’ll be writing my book this weekend, and if you believe that one, you probably think I’m still working on that property tax cut I promised the suckers four years ago.”

Gov. Deval Patrick
Gov. Patrick will say whatever he can to get re-elected at
the state's Democratic Convention this past Saturday
(DNN Staff photo)

Boston O'Reilly Graham Carr Siciliano
Donnie BernabeiAl Siciliano
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Crash test for dummies

Illegals go free while taxpayers pay price

by Michael Graham
Tuesday, Jun. 1, 2010

Hey, Rep. Moran, how do you say “karma” in Spanish?

Michael Moran of Brighton is a staunch supporter of the “sanctuary” approach to illegal immigration we have here in Massachusetts. He voted against the Perry amendment that would require applicants for state benefits to prove they’re here legally. Moran voted for subsidized college tuition for illegals, too.

It’s safe to say that no Massachusetts politician has done more to make illegal immigrants feel welcome. Illegal immigrants like 27-year-old Isaias Naranjo, who (ahem) “met” Moran on the streets of Brighton last week.

According to Fox 25, Naranjo was driving 60 mph when he slammed his car into Moran’s. Naranjo was also drunk, driving without a license and - in an only-in-Massachusetts twist - was wearing a “Mexican costume” at the time.

Now if Naranjo were just another Massachusetts taxpayer, he would be in some serious guacamole. But Fox reports that when police tried to explain the seriousness of his situation, he just laughed.

“Nothing is going to happen to me, man,” Naranjo told the cops. That’s because he was “going back to my home country, Mexico.”

Naranjo had gotten the Massachusetts message: It’s never illegal to be illegal here. In fact sometimes it’s pretty damn good.

It lets you take advantage of Department of State Police General Order INV-17 - put into place by the Patrick administration - declaring it “inappropriate for state police to inquire about, or investigate a non-citizen’s immigration status.” No matter how many times a drunken, unlicensed, hit-and-run driver like Naranjo shouts “Go screw, coppers, I’m going back to Mexico,” our staties - and municipal cops for that matter - are under orders not to notice.

And the guys giving those orders are Gov. Deval Patrick and Rep. Moran. So while I’m sorry Moran was involved in an accident, you gotta admit: It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

Do die-hard liberals like Patrick understand that criminal immigrants like this aren’t laughing with us, they’re laughing at us? That Democrats who feel like heroes for supporting benefits to illegals look like suckers to people like Naranjo and Aunt Zeituni who are gaming the system?

It’s embarrassing and getting worse. Even after the Moran case, a spokesperson for Patrick reiterated his support for the “I don’t want to know” approach to illegal immigration.

And if you think this drunk guy in the funny suit was laughing during his arrest, wait until he finds out that, according to Rep. Jeff Perry, Massachusetts judges aren’t allowed to consider his immigration status in setting bail. Which means he could be out on the streets and back in his “home country” by the weekend.

Perry wants to change that, a change almost certain to be opposed by Beacon Hill liberals.

Anyone remember the case of the 4-year-old boy grabbed at a public urinal at the Market Basket in Raynham? The guy who grabbed him was an illegal immigrant from Guatemala. The police released this child-groping perv to await trial and then were stunned when he didn’t show up for his court date.

He was back in Guatemala, of course.

Are we going to stay this stupid on purpose? Are we going to keep boycotting Arizona for enforcing immigration laws while we release illegals who crash our cars and grope our kids?

Someone’s a total clown in this story, Rep. Moran, and it’s not the guy in the costume.

PATRICK: Lets clowns be in control.
PATRICK: Lets clowns be in control who also believes
that "It's not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts
(Sketch Artist Insert)

Boston O'Reilly Graham Carr Siciliano

Donnie BernabeiAl Siciliano
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.