Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm all worked up over Auntie Zeituna

Howie Carr

Free ride continues for Obama's half aunt

by Howie Carr
Monday, Sep. 27, 2010

Forget the Statue of Liberty - we now need a statue of Auntie Zeituni, the untired, unhuddled, in fact extremely well-rested illegal alien yearning not to be free, but to live free.

So here she is, the president’s half-aunt, 58 years old, “retired,” living in public housing where Americans must wait years for an opening, getting $700 a month from a system into which she never contributed.

“I have been treated like Public Enemy Number One,” she told Channel 4’s Jonathan Elias the other night.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. If I ever get in a jam, I ask for no special treatment. Just treat me like an illegal alien. Treat me like Auntie Zeituni.

“I did not take advantage of the system,” she said. “The system took advantage of me.”

How’s that War on Poverty working out for you? About as well as Ted Kennedy’s Immigration Reform Act of 1965, I’d say. They’re only here to collect the welfare checks Americans can’t be bothered collecting.

Elias did a fine job interviewing her, asking all the right questions. He said there was “zero contrition,” which is putting it mildly. And you thought her half-nephew had an astounding sense of entitlement.

Yes, like her nephew’s wife, Michelle, her living-large-as-a-loafer lifestyle is a veritable hell on earth. Like, the BHA apartment.

“I was assigned,” she said. “I didn’t ask for it. They give it to me and you better just ask the system. Ask your system.”

After the election, another one of those blue-ribbon presidential commissions is going to come out with a report on the future of Social Security. Two words for you: “means testing.” Maybe not right away, but it’s coming. Doesn’t matter if you’ve been paying into the system since JFK or LBJ was president, your benefits are going to be reduced if you live long enough.

After all, you wouldn’t want Auntie Zeituni to have to go out and get a job, would you? She’s old. She’s 58.

I hear all the time from moonbats who accuse me of lying about illegal aliens on welfare. It’s like the federal “DREAM Act,” for alleged students, up to the age of 35. It also resembles the in-state tuition bill that Gov. Deval Patrick desperately wants to foist on the working classes. Over and over you read the big lie in the moonbat gazettes, that it’s only for graduates of Massachusetts high schools. Yeah, right, but read the words after Massachusetts high schools - “or the equivalent thereof.”

Meaning, come on down, you too can get the Auntie Zeituni treatment.

At least she has gratitude, unlike her half-nephew and his wife. Now, where do I go to become Public Enemy Number One?

PUBLIC ENEMY? President...
From a distance, DNN photographer zooms in on Obama's
half aunt who remains in the U.S. illegally, living the life off
taxpayer funded housing in Southie.

Donnie Howie Mike Bill
My Photos | Donnie Boston Howie CarrMichael Graham
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The politics of pigskins

NFL ratings soar during recession

by Bill O'Reilly
Monday, Sep. 20, 2010

Take it from me because I see the Nielsen television ratings every day: NFL football is riding a huge wave of popularity in America. In the first week of play, the ratings are up by double digits, and the games have even taken some viewers away from my news program, which is a complete and utter outrage.

Why are more people watching football?

The first reason is economic: It’s free. Because of the recession, fewer people are going out for entertainment. Instead, they grab popcorn and a beverage and watch huge men run into each other. Simple and inexpensive.

The second reason expands on the simplicity factor. We are living in a time of incredible spin and gross dishonesty in the public arena. Propagandists are everywhere, and they’re spitting out so much bilge it is sometimes hard to even breathe. Football is an honest game. The toughest, smartest team usually wins. There is something pure in the presentation.

As this week’s primary votes prove, Americans are fed up with BS. Most of us understand that we are being used by powerful forces beyond our control. The country slid into recession because greedy fat cats decided to create risky mortgage schemes, and guys such asU.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), who were supposed to be watching out for bogus investments, allowed it to happen.

Let me ask you something: Had you ever heard of subprime mortgages before President George W. Bush told us they had ruined the economy? I’m in the news business, and I had no idea this giant con was in play. And if I had to bet, I’d say Bush and Frank didn’t understand the situation either.

Thus, many Americans have developed a bunker mentality and are being very cautious with their money and time. The folks are walking away from flimflam artists and are throwing the bums out with their votes. They want a simple, understandable message. And football is one of the things Americans understand.

The downside, of course, is the brutality. NFL injuries are reaching catastrophic levels. Three-hundred-pound guys running up and down 100-yard fields will yield some brutal collisions. The danger of the game is part of its attraction, and there’s no doubt that a well-played contest is a tremendous escape from the sorry real world. The worse things get the more escape mechanisms are needed. Welcome to the NFL.

But the league should be careful. There is a move to expand the schedule to 18 games from 16. That would lead to even more injuries and carnage. Also, many teams have priced tickets so high that working-class folks can’t afford to go to the stadium. Nobody likes to be excluded from something because of money.

So football is flying right now, one of the few beneficiaries of the recession. But what goes up can also come down. In a hurry.

So much fun: Above, two best friends enjoy their Sunday

watching a football game while feasting on pop corn and beer.

Donnie Howie Michael Bill
My Photos | Donnie Boston Howie CarrMichael Graham
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Promises... Promises... So many made, so few kept.

Michael Graham

Gov. Patrick's re-election bid untrustworthy

by Michael Graham
Monday, Sep. 13, 2010

Here’s Question No. 1 about last Tuesday's gubernatorial debate, particularly as it relates to “Question No. 3” and the sales-tax rollback: Does it even matter what Deval Patrick says anymore?

Which leads to Question No. 2: Does Deval Patrick even expect us to?

There comes a point in some political campaigns where the candidate has made the decision to just tell people what they want to hear and pretend they believe him.

Patrick has clearly reached that point.

He can’t seriously believe we’re going to fall for the “I will respect the will of the voters” on the sales-tax rollback. You mean like you did on same-sex marriage, Governor?

Patrick has never been a “will of the voters” kind of guy. Like his fellow liberal elitist Barack Obama, Patrick knows best - which is why he keeps talking about saving us from the “calamity” of a sales-tax cut.

Which is why you can see his visceral discomfort as he gives his word on the sales-tax rollback. It’s similar to his lie . . . er “unfulfilled campaign pledge” in 2006 not to raise tolls or gasoline taxes.

He oozed annoyed insincerity as he said it - just a campaign promise waiting to be broken. Only the most hopelessly naive of voters was surprised when Patrick followed up that “pledge” by proposing a $100 million toll increase or, in lieu of that, a 19-cents-a-gallon increase in the gas tax.

Running in 2006, then-candidate Patrick also repeatedly and enthusiastically promised to cut property taxes, raise local aid to pre-2000 levels and put 1,000 new cops on the streets.

All promised, none delivered. Surprised?

And these were campaign promises I suspect he actually meant to keep.

And so, regardless of what he said - or tried to say - in last Tuesday’s debate, does anyone seriously believe that a re-elected Gov. Patrick is going to implement a $2 billion sales-tax cut? And if you do, have you also recently responded to an e-mail from a Nigerian banker who wants your help making a large deposit?

Voters who take Patrick at his word deserve everything they get. They’re like women who date married men and fall for the “I’m leaving my wife” line, or landlords still waiting for the rent check from two months ago. There’s a point where the politician is being so upfront about being dishonest that all the blame falls on the self-deluded suckers who still buy in.

Here’s the most telling exchange in Campaign 2010 so far, in my opinion.

A few months ago, Patrick was on Channel 7 with Andy Hiller. Hiller asks the governor if he remembers the campaign promises he made four years ago

“Most of them,” Patrick answers with a faint smile. “You’re going to confront me with a few?”

Hiller: “Have you cut property taxes?”

Patrick: “We have not done all that we will.”

All that we will?

Folks, that was in May.

Have anyone’s property taxes been cut in the past five months?

Has Patrick done anything positive about property taxes in that time? Of course not. But instead of just admitting he didn’t keep his word, the governor is still making bogus promises of tax cuts right around the corner.

There are plenty of reasons to vote for and against all of the candidates for governor. In an overwhelmingly Democratic state like Massachusetts, Patrick will be the frontrunner throughout this election.

But if you’re planning on voting for Patrick because of what he promises you today, please do us all a favor. Burn your voter registration now.

Mayor Thomas Menino backs Gov. Deval...
A loon will always back a loon. Above, Mayor Tom
Menino announces his backing of Gov. Deval Patrick
for governor.

Donnie Howie Mike Bill
My Photos | Donnie Boston Howie CarrMichael Graham
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.