Sunday, June 7, 2009

Voters conned and ask for more

Article 6-8-09

Mindless voters continue to elect own torture

by Michael Graham
Monday, Jun. 8, 2009

Everything I need to know about Massachusetts voters I learned from Mrs. Clark Rockefeller.

Testifying against Christian Karl Gewurztraminer (or whatever his unpronounceable German name is), Sandra Boss explained how a super-smart biz whiz could fall for a con-job creep.

“It’s possible that one can be brilliant and amazing in one area of one’s life and pretty stupid in another.’‘

To coin a phrase, “Yes, we can.” On Beacon Hill, it happens every day.

Bay Staters are among the nation’s most affluent and well-educated. About 75 percent of our high school grads go to college. Almost 40 percent of adults have degrees. Our median income is 25 percent higher than the national average.

Yet these “brilliant and amazing” citizens repeatedly vote themselves one of America’s most corrupt and incompetent governments.

Three indicted speakers - and counting. Empty legislative offices with fulltime paid staffs. Pension perks for incumbents so lousy that they’re finally forced out.

What sort of voters put up with this?

Meanwhile, our pols don’t hide from corruption, they celebrate it. When they re-elected Sal DiMasi speaker, everyone knew he was under investigation. But only seven Democrats withheld their votes. The rest were with Rep. Jim Fagan, who bragged, “We are direct descendants of patriots and heroes!” - a comment that must have had Sam Adams drinking in his grave.

It’s the arrogance that comes from knowing you can get away with anything. That’s why hearing Boss’ testimony was so painful.

She - like our voters - is smart, capable and affluent. He - like our government - was an abusive con artist without a cent to his name.

He fed her the most bogus lines: his Rockefeller connections, the Federal Reserve, even the Trilateral Commission. (What, the Illuminati lose your application, Karl?) And she fell for it all.

Just like Bay Staters who bought Gov. Deval Patrick’s promise that he’d never raise our gas taxes or tolls, or the bogus Beacon Hill spin that a sales tax hike today means no more tax hikes tomorrow.


Boss’ story got even more bizarre when she described going cold and hungry on a six-figure salary because Karl wouldn’t raise her allowance. An allowance of her money!

Because Karl - like our state government - never earned a dime himself, but thought he had the right to spend every penny.

Why was Boss afraid of him? She paid all the bills. Why didn’t she just throw the bum out?

Good question. It’s one I’d like to ask every Bay Stater who voted down Question 1.

Every couple of Novembers, hordes of hungry, shivering voters schlep to the polls to re-elect the same gang of goons who abused them the previous two years.

How are we so different from “Mrs. Rockefeller”?

At least Sandra Boss can claim to be duped. Massachusetts voters know exactly what we’re getting, and we keep coming back for more.

We’re not dupes, we’re dopes. And until we start treating incumbents like they’re Bavarian con men with bad hair, that’s never going to change.

Voter registration push ahead of Wednesday deadline
While voters cast their vote, do they really vote
for the candidate that is right on the issues, or
base their decision on the party they belong to?
(DNN Staff photo)

Bernabei, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano
Al Siciliano
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

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