Saturday, June 6, 2009

Deval Patrick should take page out of his own $1.35M book

Article 6-6-09

Gov. Patrick pockets big time - Keeps it secret

by Howie Carr
Saturday, Jun.6, 2009

Shhhhh - keep it under your hat, because nobody’s supposed to know. But Deval Patrick grabbed an extra $382,500 last year on top of his governor’s salary of $140,535.

And Deval didn’t even report the mega-score on his annual sworn statement of financial interests to the State Ethics Commission. Surely the governor plans to close such unconscionable loopholes in his “landmark” ethics reform package.

Deval pocketed a $450,000 book advance (minus a 15 percent cut to his literary agent). But nothing was reported because a book advance apparently isn’t covered under “employment and other associations with businesses.”

Actually, Deval’s advance is $1.35 million, pretty damn good for a first-time author who’s never been on “American Idol” or tested positive for steroids. Deval will get another third of the money - $450,000 - when his (or some ghostwriter’s) manuscript is accepted, and a final $450,000 when it’s published.

So the governor continues his moonlighting - or should I say moonbatlighting. Working title: “Up From Texaco.”

No doubt he’ll be working hard on the tome this weekend out at his mansion in Richmond, after he delivers his not-at-all-anticipated speech to the Democratic state convention in Springfield.

Attending today’s dreary convention is proof that Deval is running for re-election. More evidence: the fact that his operatives, when they’re not testifying before the Sal DiMasi grand jury, continue trying to put a rocket in the pocket of Tim Cahill.

Before addressing the moonbats, Deval will attend a breakfast this morning with Rep. Mike Capuano, who seems to be running for Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat against Attorney General Martha Coakley. The feds indicted another crooked House speaker this week. Martha devoted much of her week to making sure lots of moonbat delegates today are wearing her T-shirts.

Imagine Deval drafting the chapter in his book about this wonderful weekend:

“The rain had stopped. It was a beautiful spring Saturday morning - it always is for the convention. But here I was, stuck inside Hampden’s Halitosis Hall. Tim Murray, my tubby lieutenant governor, was supposed to introduce me. He was slathering butter on a blueberry muffin - by my count at least his third of the morning. ‘Tim,’ I said, ‘do you know how many calories are in those things?’ ”

Sal DiMasi gets lugged for $57,000 in payoffs. Deval is going to end up with $1.35 million for a book absolutely nobody will ever read, and he doesn’t even report the income. Where’s the justice here, Mistah Speakah?

Deval Patrick
Gov. Deval Patrick collected an extra $382,500
top of his $140,535 salary last year but went
(DNN Staff photo)

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