Sunday, July 12, 2009

I say, let's cage Deval and put him on death row

Article 7-13-09

Heartless governor takes aim on defenseless animals

by Donnie Boston
Monday, Jul. 13, 2009

What a state!

On Aug 1, the sales tax will increase by 25 percent.

You will be paying 6.25 percent more for alcohol even though it is already taxed.

Jobs continue to be slashed on American citizens.

Certain funding for people who risk their lives to save others have been slashed. (I'm talking about our police and firemen)

The state's gas tax is likely to increase in the near future.

And now our fuzzy friends at the Stoneham and Franklin Park zoos could be put on death row.

This is the rout Gov. Deval Patrick has chosen instead of cutting the funds for illegal aliens, who continue to bankrupt our state. He also continues to back a policy where the state hands out free cars and free cell phones with minutes to individuals he believes are qualified, and so on.

Last week taxoholic Patrick has now chosen to propose cutting $4M to our state zoos. If this passes, the Stone Zoo in Stoneham and Franklin Park Zoo in Dorchester would be shut down. This includes the possibility of putting down many of our beloved animals that reside there.

You remember what happened in 1990, don't you?

Due to the Duke's irresponsibility and corruption he administered, led this state to a huge budget deficit. Therefore, he chose to cut funding to our zoos, which led many of those defenseless animals to be destroyed because they couldn't be transferred. There was simply no place to put them. Dukakis was just another deranged individual that the Beautiful People elected to govern this state back then.

But today, things appear to be a bit more different as far as providing safety for our animals under such a situation.

The Beautiful People here are beginning to stand up and fight. The children are also included along with two national groups that have already formed to see to it that none of our defenseless animals are harmed. Letters have even been sent to Obama, pledging him to send funds to keep our zoos open.

Another bright spot is that this matter has made national headlines. Yes, Massachusetts is in the spotlight again for another embarrassing moment. But if Deval's proposal is passed, I'm sure other areas of the country would now welcome our fuzzy friends dearly. And I'm sure even these adorable creatures wouldn't mind fleeing such a state once and for all.

Unlike any other state, this is all about a never-ending story around here. Anything that gathers the people for any type of amusement and gives Massachusetts a good reputation, are destroyed by the loons who continue to run things.

Just think, we still got to get through 2011 with Deval being at the helm. I figure when his term expires, the damage here would be equivalent to an 10.0 earthquake. In other words, the damage would be so bad, nobody would want to come here, unless of course if you are an illegal alien, welfare recipient, drug dealer or belong to a gang. The funds will be there!

“Together We Can” sacrifice our livelihoods to make room for all of the above. And today what's even more sad is that our governor has included our defenseless animals as his scape goat just like his splitting image did in 1990.

So today, let's take a moment and pray that our friends at the zoos, like “Little Joe” and “Leo the Lion” won't fall victim to “Together We Can.”

One thing for sure, if Little Joe decides to hop a fence for a third time, at least now he'll have a good enough reason to.

Wild: Officials say budget cutbacks...
Uproar: Even "Leo the Lion" senses something
has gone awry, as TV cameras and reporters
roam his territory at Stonham Zoo
(DNN cameraman zooms in from a distance)

Little Joe attends a birthday party...
"Little Joe" is shown at a birthday party
for fellow gorillas Okie and Gigi Sunday
at Franklin Park Zoo. (DNN Staff photo)

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