Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Rep drops bid to license illegals

(Follow-up 4-8-09)

Rep. Tom Sannicandro (D) changes tune on illegal licenses

by Edward Mason
DNN Follow-up
Wednesday, Apr. 8, 2009

A controversial plan to let illegal aliens get Massachusetts driver’s licenses, tucked within a bill overhauling the state transportation agencies, was withdrawn last night amid opposition.

Rep. Tom Sannicandro (D-Ashland) proposed a measure that would bar the Registry of Motor Vehicles from asking for a Social Security number when awarding licenses.

Sannicandro quietly withdrew the amendment last night, hours after it was reported by DNN. He could not be reached by phone last night.

The overhaul bill, which lawmakers were still debating well into the evening , creates a new entity called the Massachusetts Transportation and Infrastructure Authority.

Like the bills put forth by the Senate and Gov. Deval Patrick it also eliminates the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, long a patronage dumping ground.

But the House measure leaves the MBTA in place as a free-standing authority.

The House also proposes adding to the bureaucracy by creating a Mass Transit Division, even though it would not include the T - the largest mass transit provider in the state. And it also creates a Constituent and Municipal Services division.

Turnpike tolls are slated to double on July 1 without some sort of new revenue stream.

Patrick has proposed a 19-cent gas tax increase, which would give the state the highest gas tax in the country.

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