by Howie Carr
Monday, Mar. 22, 2010
The caller’s name was Bill, and he was addressing his remarks to Sen. Scott Brown. He was comparing the unfolding health-care fiasco to the old movie “It’s a Wonderful Life.”
“I feel like George Bailey,” Bill was saying, referring to the Jimmy Stewart character. “I grew up in Bedford Falls, and all of a sudden, it’s turning into Pottersville.”
And the Democrats are contemptuously laughing at us, just like Lionel Barrymore did with George and Uncle Billy. They’re hell-bent to take away your First World health care and replace it with a Third World model.
Barack and Pelosi still will be getting world-class treatment, of course, but for the rest of us, these are the good old days. And don’t worry about that new Orwellian-sounding “Health Choices Commissioner” - he, or they, are from the government, and they’ll be here to help you.
“People have made it clear, they don’t want this,” Brown was saying. “I hear it wherever I go. They want reform, but this isn’t reform. It’s morphed into something so much worse.”
This current system is a disaster, we are told, and people are dying in the streets. But none of these wonderful reforms kick in until 2014. Only the taxes to pay for them, which will start, well, tomorrow.
It’s the Democrats’ dream, our nightmare.
The Dems are buying off groups, already pitting Americans against Americans. The unions were supposed to get hosed with a huge tax on their Cadillac policies starting in 2013. Now they’ve gotten a stay of execution until 2018.
“The unions tell me, that’s a good deal,” Rep. Steve Lynch (D-South Boston) was saying. “How is that a good deal?”
It’s not a commutation, someone suggested. It’s a reprieve.
“Exactly,” said Lynch, the only congressman in all of Democratic New England who is actually going to follow his constituents’ wishes and vote against the bill.
The whole mess is presided over by a president who told an adoring audience of layabouts in Ohio last week that their premiums would be going down “3,000 percent.” Then he spun another spurious sob story about a woman “who increased her deductible to the minimum.”
Back at the White House, he made his NCAA tournament picks, misspelling “Syracuse” as “Sycacuse.”
When his mistake was pointed out to him by an ESPN anchor, the Messiah incoherently replied, “I just completely messed that up, didn’t you?”
Imagine George Bush saying any of the above. The derision would never end. But with this guy, the media just avert their eyes. It would be so un-PC to point out that the emperor has no clothes, or brains. He thinks car insurance is the same as health insurance.
And starting today, he has control of your health care, and mine. What could possibly go wrong?
Kelly an anti-health care protester from Connecticut
yells to passers-by during a Tea Party rally on
Saturday at Faneuil Hall. (DNN Staff photo)
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