by Donnie Boston
Monday, Mar. 29, 2010
Want some migraine relief over this health care nightmare?
First, stop the violence and death threats towards your elected officials and their families.
The humane thing to do would be to vote against the ones who gave a thumbs up to Obamacare. The November elections will be the perfect time to payback all the buffoons who have continued to kill this country since the time you've elected them to office.
There was not one Republican but many buffoons who chose to vote, once again, against the will of the voters. This time they did it in a big way by violating your fundamental values that you've earned a good part of your lives.
However, the Messiah will be arriving here on April 1, to tell you differently on how good his massive health care reform package will be for you and your country. Happy April Fools Day to the weaker minds who are willing to believe such rhetoric.
Do you remember when the little boy said to his dad in “A Bronx Tale” that a working man is a sucker? Well, give that little fella another $20 please, because Obamacare basically is telling you to “share your wealth” with more than 32 million other people who don't have health insurance in this country. And it doesn't matter if some of these people are beating the system, refusing to work or if they are an illegal alien. You will be giving them health care and paying through the nose for it, too.
The disastrous bill will cost you, they say, ah, only $9.4 billion. But when big government gets involved, you got to expect a lot more in cost than what they are telling you. Then there's them illegal immigrants who continue to cross our wide open borders that will continue to bang on their tin cans demanding more... more... more... So let's say Obamacare will at least end up costing you, ah, $2 trillion.
Many doctors are already saying they will file for early retirement or do something else since there will be a cap put on how much they will be able to charge insurance companies. So, a shortage of doctors has already come to mind in the near future. Tell me, why would the Messiah believe that they would amputate people's legs and arms for huge profits?
Already Bay State medical-device companies have threatened to take their plants – and thousands of jobs – out of the country due to the new 2.5 percent sales tax that would be imposed on them under Obamacare. This has alarmed Gov. Patrick who, of course, backed the bill.
Your private medical records will no longer be private, as many thousands of federal agents will be hired to monitor your health care coverage on a monthly basis. A national sales tax would likely be imposed to pay for them just like they have in Europe.
All your payments will be directed to the IRS. If they don't like what they see or if you don't have coverage, you will be fined dearly.
Employers will be hit with a fee. The $2,000-per-employee fee would be assessed on the company’s entire work force, minus an allowance. Employers would then have to lay off some of their workforce to cut cost.
At least $500 billion of your Medicare benefits that you have earned a good part of your life is expected to be slashed over the next 10 years to finance Obamacare.
Your premiums will increase in cost, too.
And the most dreadful thing of all, these charming reforms won't take effect until 2014. Only the taxes to pay for them will begin soon. It's like buying a car that's a lemon and not being able to even see if the darn thing runs until the finance has been fully paid off.
What was that old saying that Abraham Lincoln once said? “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Is Lincoln finally turning over in his grave, or is it fiction that a war has ensued between the people, as in Democrats versus Republicans?
If only November was a little closer.
While Obama, Pelosi and the gang receive convenient
health care treatment, Obama, is shown above, signing
into law his government-controlled health care package onto
the overwhelming majority of Americans who oppose it.
(DNN Staff photo)
Boston Graham O'Reilly Carr Siciliano
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