Wednesday, October 20, 2010

12 days 'til doomsday - and counting

My Photos | Donnie Boston
Era for Democrats likely coming to an end

by Donnie Boston
Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010

I can just see it now.

You wake up the next morning after Election Day and find out that many of the states across the country have turned red. This is after Republicans gained control of the House and maybe even the Senate. The only exception would be Massachusetts. The same old Beautiful People who simply enjoy paying higher taxes to their same old corrupt and irresponsible government.

Remember in 2008 when you were brainwashed with them TV ads on what devastation it would cause to your state and wallets if you repealed the sales tax? What did it get you after you chose not to repeal it? Two years later you're paying significantly higher taxes with a jobless rate of 8.6 percent. And it looks like you still haven't learned your lesson because the latest poll indicates it failing again.

But other than Massachusetts being the bluest state of them all, other states across the country will likely change color. The smarter people simply don't want to hear that it is Bush's fault anymore. Democrats have been fully in control of Congress for nearly four years, and with the current administration's failed policies, is a good reason why the American people will vote for change.

In fact, one-quarter of Americans who supported Obama say they will vote for Republican candidates this time around. It's just another poll that don't exist except the ones they want to make exist. Just ask Andy Hiller of Channel 7. Last week he talked about an unreliable Suffolk University Poll that showed Gov. Patrick being up by seven points, though failed to mention Baker's counter-poll that came out the same day showing him up by seven. So I facebooked him on it last week, but he has yet to give me an answer.

As far as doomsday goes, wasn't it back in the Spring I told you that Obamacare would likely doom Democrats, especially when an overwhelmingly majority of Americans opposed having the government take control of their health care? It's just one example of what Obama and his misfits have been doing to your lives since day one. It's called government intervention.

Then what about Obama's very unpopular stance of having Muslims build a mosque on the site of 9/11 where American families lost their loved ones due to Muslim extremist?

Illegal immigration also became a big issue with the president by no surprise. While Gov. Brewer of Arizona feels for the safety of her people due to the drug wars and crimes committed by illegals there, Obama filed a lawsuit against his own people claiming it's unlawful for state's to act on their own to enforce immigration laws. I'm sure Auntie Zeintuni enjoys hearing such news while living free in her Southie apartment where she never contributed one cent to the system.

And what about our seniors, disabled and retirees who are also responsible for putting the current administration in office? For a second year in-a-row they had their Social Security cost-of-living increase slashed while freebies continue to be handed out to illegals from coast to coast.

How bad does it get when a president spends more money than all of the previous presidents combined, only to promise you that it would prevent the nation's jobless rate from going over 8 percent? It's something like Deval Patrick's promise of property tax relief.

There's so much more, but time and space has become an issue once again.

It's this type of treatment that was given to the American people ever since they elected this one-party rule to govern them. You see, it's just not all about you, Mr. President and the elected officials in Congress. It's about the people who put you there.

So in just 12 short days there is one statement the American people will likely make to you and Washington loud and clear:

That they effin did it!

Nancy Pelosi gives a night news conference on health care reform (Photo: AFP)
Days Numbered: In this March 2010 photo, the nation's third
powerful person, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her
gang, celebrate
passage of Obamacare, which will likely in
the days ahead cost many of her party
members and
eventually herself to be ousted from Congress.

Donnie Howie Michael Bill
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