Sunday, October 31, 2010

Boot with steal toe is best for this election

My Photos | Donnie Boston

Time nears to boot out incumbents

by Donnie Boston
Election Exclusive!
Monday, Nov. 1, 2010

Tomorrow is Election Day, and loons like Deval Patrick will be running for re-election nationwide.

While many voters will vote such Cancer out of office across the country, Massachusetts voters hopefully will do the same at least to some extent. I mean, can anyone name one good thing Deval Patrick has done for you and this state ever since he got elected?

What was that again, governor? Our state is on the mend and on the move? Try telling this to the 24,000 people who lost jobs over the last two months – 21,000 alone in the month of September, which is the biggest one-month job loss in 20 years. Oh, and it's no big deal that 100,000 jobs were lost under your watch either.

I know you want to keep sticking to that figure right up to the very last minute on how the jobless rate recently went from 8.8 percent to 8.4. How about 4.6 percent unemployment when you first came into office? And what about all those people whose unemployment benefits ran out that are not being counted? So much for that so called 8.4 number.

Also, too bad you had to be forced by The Herald to release those numbers on illegal immigration. It's something that you didn't want to hear just before the election. This is why it took you a month to hand them over, or else...

The figures only prevailed that the taxpayers spent $37.5 million in emergency health care last year for illegal aliens. What a shame that Patrick chose to abolish Mitt Romney's mandate of having these individuals arrested on the spot. He wants to keep using the excuse that it's the feds responsibility to act. Blah... Blah... Blah... I mean would it really hurt Patrick to act, knowing that illegals overall cost taxpayers and this state billions of dollars every year? So much for the taxpayers facing a $2 billion deficit this upcoming Fiscal Year. It's just another example of Deval being so far out of touch with taxpayers ever since he became governor.

I can just see it all over again if Patrick gets re-elected and after the mindless voters turn down repealing the sales tax again. You remember what Mumbles did, right? As soon as this loon got re-elected, two weeks later he hosed his own voters by raising the property tax 6 percent. Ditto with Patrick. If he gets re-elected, soon enough I bet your sales tax will be raised to 7 percent. Hey, the Beautiful People had their second chance in the voting booths on how they enjoy paying higher taxes so much. “Thank you sir may I please have another.”

You see, it all comes down to the mindless voters we have in this state. The same old Beautiful people will be out in full force tomorrow to vote in their own torture once again. They are the same individuals who believe in only two things: that John Kerry got hosed in Ohio, and George Bush and Dick Chaney were the ones that brought down the Twin Towers. Moonbats at-large!

Take for instance this one example of a voter in which I was lucky enough to run in to. She asked me to withhold her name, of course, after I asked her one simple question if she will vote for Barney Frank in her district. “We are Democrats and Barney always meant well to everyone. I will vote for him.” this voter says.

I mean what the hell. It's no big deal that Barney wrecked the economy. Remember we are moving forward, and that's a good thing. It was so good that people woke up one day and found out that they lost their fortunes. Stocks only dropped 90 percent under good old Barney, and it was the biggest drop in federal history. Sure, Barney always meant well to everyone. For heaven's sake, vote Bielat for U.S. Congress!

Here's another voter on AG Martha Coakley: “She will get my vote because she is good at what she does,” this voter says. Martha is so good that she even knows that it is not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts. Don't be as dumb as Martha. Vote McKenna for AG!

Oh, the list of these types goes on.

But I have faith. I've always said that if the “straw” (Tim Cahill) finishes below 10 percent that Baker could have a chance of pulling it off. Right now he is fighting to get eight. And how bad does it get for Patrick when he isn't even considered a shoe-in with the straw and this Stein woman still in the race? Remember, a vote for them is a vote taken away from Baker.

Here's one thing I know: Come early Wednesday morning, many of these Patrick-like incumbents from across the country will have one thing in common:

Sore behinds!

MORTGAGE MESS: A book about...

Gov. Patrick is shown above telling an audience
how the state is on the mend and on the move
right after a horrific new jobless report made headlines.

Donnie Howie Michael Bill
My Photos | Donnie Boston Howie CarrMichael Graham
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

12 days 'til doomsday - and counting

My Photos | Donnie Boston
Era for Democrats likely coming to an end

by Donnie Boston
Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010

I can just see it now.

You wake up the next morning after Election Day and find out that many of the states across the country have turned red. This is after Republicans gained control of the House and maybe even the Senate. The only exception would be Massachusetts. The same old Beautiful People who simply enjoy paying higher taxes to their same old corrupt and irresponsible government.

Remember in 2008 when you were brainwashed with them TV ads on what devastation it would cause to your state and wallets if you repealed the sales tax? What did it get you after you chose not to repeal it? Two years later you're paying significantly higher taxes with a jobless rate of 8.6 percent. And it looks like you still haven't learned your lesson because the latest poll indicates it failing again.

But other than Massachusetts being the bluest state of them all, other states across the country will likely change color. The smarter people simply don't want to hear that it is Bush's fault anymore. Democrats have been fully in control of Congress for nearly four years, and with the current administration's failed policies, is a good reason why the American people will vote for change.

In fact, one-quarter of Americans who supported Obama say they will vote for Republican candidates this time around. It's just another poll that don't exist except the ones they want to make exist. Just ask Andy Hiller of Channel 7. Last week he talked about an unreliable Suffolk University Poll that showed Gov. Patrick being up by seven points, though failed to mention Baker's counter-poll that came out the same day showing him up by seven. So I facebooked him on it last week, but he has yet to give me an answer.

As far as doomsday goes, wasn't it back in the Spring I told you that Obamacare would likely doom Democrats, especially when an overwhelmingly majority of Americans opposed having the government take control of their health care? It's just one example of what Obama and his misfits have been doing to your lives since day one. It's called government intervention.

Then what about Obama's very unpopular stance of having Muslims build a mosque on the site of 9/11 where American families lost their loved ones due to Muslim extremist?

Illegal immigration also became a big issue with the president by no surprise. While Gov. Brewer of Arizona feels for the safety of her people due to the drug wars and crimes committed by illegals there, Obama filed a lawsuit against his own people claiming it's unlawful for state's to act on their own to enforce immigration laws. I'm sure Auntie Zeintuni enjoys hearing such news while living free in her Southie apartment where she never contributed one cent to the system.

And what about our seniors, disabled and retirees who are also responsible for putting the current administration in office? For a second year in-a-row they had their Social Security cost-of-living increase slashed while freebies continue to be handed out to illegals from coast to coast.

How bad does it get when a president spends more money than all of the previous presidents combined, only to promise you that it would prevent the nation's jobless rate from going over 8 percent? It's something like Deval Patrick's promise of property tax relief.

There's so much more, but time and space has become an issue once again.

It's this type of treatment that was given to the American people ever since they elected this one-party rule to govern them. You see, it's just not all about you, Mr. President and the elected officials in Congress. It's about the people who put you there.

So in just 12 short days there is one statement the American people will likely make to you and Washington loud and clear:

That they effin did it!

Nancy Pelosi gives a night news conference on health care reform (Photo: AFP)
Days Numbered: In this March 2010 photo, the nation's third
powerful person, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her
gang, celebrate
passage of Obamacare, which will likely in
the days ahead cost many of her party
members and
eventually herself to be ousted from Congress.

Donnie Howie Michael Bill
My Photos | Donnie Boston Howie CarrMichael Graham
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Obama's all shook up

Policies met with suspicious minds

by Bill O'Reilly
Monday, Oct. 18, 2010

Two years ago, Barack Obama was the political equivalent of Elvis Presley - rolling into towns across America, performing before adoring crowds. Like the King, then-Sen. Obama relished the adoration and gave the crowd a great show. I saw it myself in New Hampshire.

But now everything has changed. And while he may find a welcoming audience in today’s appearance in of-so-blue Boston, President Obama is not welcome in many parts of the country.

Even some members of his own party don’t want to be seen with him.

It’s so bad that Joe Manchin, the Democratic governor of West Virginia who is now running for the U.S. Senate, actually put out a TV commercial where he takes a rifle and shoots a hole into paper explaining “cap and trade” legislation.

Obama, a deeply sensitive individual, must be asking himself what the deuce is going on. How could things change so quickly in 24 months?

Of course, the bad economy is the major reason for his fall, but that doesn’t fully explain the extent of the president’s problems.

The New York Times [NYT], a flea market of liberal activism, is chalking up Obama’s decline to the stupidity of the American people. A recent Times editorial put forth: “Insurgent Republicans don’t need details when they can play on the furious emotions of voters who have been misled into believing that positive changes like the health care law are catastrophic failures.”

Yeah, that’s it. The majority of Americans are being “misled” by some mysterious force that comes in the night, planting anti-health care thoughts in their brains.

In case the Times hasn’t noticed, the American media remain solidly liberal and continue to give Obama the benefit of many, many doubts.

If you don’t believe me, just compare the coverage of Hurricane Katrina to that of the BP oil spill. Both were handled poorly by the feds. But the media hysteria over Katrina dwarfed any coverage of the greatest environmental disaster America has ever experienced. President George W. Bush was vilified beyond belief for Katrina. Obama was mildly criticized for BP.

The Times did get one thing right, though: Many voters are furious. That’s because their health care premiums have gone through the roof and they feel insecure in the workplace. My own health insurance premium went up by $2,100 this year. Why? Because the insurance company is gouging customers to stockpile cash in order to pay the increased cost of Obamacare. Did the Democrats mention that would happen? I do not believe they did.

Thus, the perception right now is that the unintended consequences of Obama’s big spending, big government agenda are not good. That is not a misleading indicator; it is the truth. That’s how most Americans genuinely feel.

It should be noted that Elvis had a fallow period, too - after the Beatles stormed America and changed pop culture. But the E-man made a big comeback based upon his talent and charisma.

No doubt Obama believes that comeback formula will work for him, as well. I’m not counting him out in the long run, but for now, he is living in the Heartbreak Hotel.

Then-Senator Barack Obama, left, is...
During a Saturday visit in Boston to boost his friend,
Gov. Patrick, President Obama told his supporters how we
are all headed in the right direction.

Donnie Howie Michael Bill
My Photos | Donnie Boston Howie CarrMichael Graham
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Texters drive rest of us crazy

Michael Graham

Texting while driving ban becomes law

by Michael Graham
Monday, Oct. 4, 2010

Good morning, texters! You see that thing out in front of your car? Right there - through the windshield, with the white stripes?

That’s called “the road.” It’s also what you’ve been missing since you started texting while driving.

Now that text/driving is (finally!) illegal, the rest of us sharing that road with you want to say “Welcome back!” Now please stop making us do most of your driving for you.

For example, when you’re sitting at a stop light surfing the Web, and we have to hit our horns to get you going on green. Or when I have to make a sudden lane change on the Pike because you’re drifting into my front bumper in a text-induced stupor.

In theory, that all ends today with the texting ban. In theory.

In fact, the Highway Loss Data Institute released a study yesterday suggesting Massachusetts’ new ban may not work. It found that in four states that passed texting bans - Louisiana, California, Minnesota and Washington - the number of crashes increased.

“Texting bans, like cell phone bans, are not improving safety. We are seeing no reduction in crashes,” said the institute’s president, Adrian Lund.

I know what’s going through your Crackberry-addled brains, my texting friends: “See! Told you the ban was stupid. I text all the time and I’m a great driver!”

Wrong. Instead, the study confirms what the rest of us knew about you hard-core texters already - you’re total jerks.

Why would laws against text/driving make the roads more dangerous? Lund says it’s likely because texting drivers like you are too arrogant and self-centered to stop, whatever the law. So you try to hide your texting by holding the devices down low in the car, which means you spend even more time not looking at the road.

“If we’re not able to reduce actual texting, and we simply make it more dangerous by making it hidden, we may see an increase in crashes,” Lund admits.

In other words, the problem isn’t your technology. It’s you. You and your overwhelming narcissism. You couldn’t put down the Crackberry for 10 minutes - not you. The world’s waiting for your every emoticon.

And it’s not just when you drive. We’ve seen how hooked you are on your small screen fix. You bump into us walking down the hallway at work, too wrapped up in your “2 crAZ 4 U” texts to watch where you’re going. We’ve had you call us into “important” meetings, only to take up our time letting us watch you thumb-type conversations into the textosphere.

You’re addicted, and you’re not ready to let it go.

How else to explain why you ignore study after study proving how dangerous texting while driving is to the rest of us? According to an extensive study by Virginia Tech using dashboard cameras, texting drivers are 23 times more likely to crash. Not 2.3 times, but a 2,300 percent increase. If such a massive increase in the risk of injury or death won’t stop you, why would a $100 fine?

Look, we non-texting drivers aren’t trying to stop your fun. We listen to the radio, talk on cell phones and sip our coffee while we drive, too. We know the reality of driving isn’t the “hands at 10 and 2” drill from high school driver’s ed.

BAD CALL: Joan Tourles of Marlboro...
DNN cameraman captures a driver texting
and driving as cars rush back and forth.

Donnie Howie Michael Bill
My Photos | Donnie Boston Howie CarrMichael Graham
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.