Former President Jimmy Carter frees hostage
by Howie Carr
Monday - Aug. 30, 2010
OK, Jimmy Carter, thanks for getting this Mattapan moonbat of ours out of North Korea.
After 30 years, you finally freed a hostage.
And a double thank-you for immediately screwing out of town. You saved me from having to lecture you: You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here. For once, I didn’t have to ask a has-been pol the eternal question: How can we miss you when you won’t go away?
I’m sorry, but these occasional “humanitarian” missions of yours don’t make up for a lifetime of squalid embraces of the world’s worst tinpot dictators.
And don’t even get me started about your failed presidency, and my 17 percent mortgage that came along with it, not to mention gas lines, stagflation and America Held Hostage.I’m not saying Carter was an unpopular president, but when he was running for re-election in 1980, he lost Massachusetts to Ronald Reagan.
I still remember Carter’s 1980 TV spots. It was nighttime at the White House. The lights were still on in the Oval Office. You were supposed to think the president was working hard. But the message most people took away was, if this is the disaster we get from 16 hours a day, maybe Mr. Peanut oughta start calling in sick.
I’m sure the knucklehead “missionary” was glad to get out of a North Korean prison. That was the good news. The bad news was, he had to spend the next 15 hours or so on a jet, listening to Jimmy Carter regale him with heartwarming anecdotes about his favorite genocidal dictators.
It’s been a sad time for Jimmy. He still misses his old pal Yasser Arafat. Then there was the late Kim Il Sung - the father of the madman who currently rules North Korea. Back in 1994, Jimmy “brokered” a deal with North Korea to keep them from getting nukes - it cost us $4 billion worth of light water reactors and $100 million worth of oil.
The kneepad press called it a “landmark nuclear disarmament pact.” Now the North Koreans have nuclear weapons. Some landmark.
Carter is, of course, a Nobel Prize winner, like his fellow useless idiots Al Gore and Barack Obama. He pressured the shah of Iran to abdicate, which gave the world the radical regime that is on the verge of joining North Korea in the “landmark nuclear disarmament pact” club.
At least this trip to the workers’ utopia has prevented him from being an “observer” of any elections this week. He “observed” Hamas’ victory in Gaza. He “observed” Hugo Chavez’s recount in Venezuela. Next stop, Alaska?
America Held Hostage: It was Nov. 4, 1979 when Iranians invaded
the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, where they held captive 52 American
hostages for 444 days. Former President Jimmy Carter's failed
attempt to free them hurt his quest on getting re-elected.
(File photo)
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