Monday, May 3, 2010

No hable Ingles? No Welfare!

New proposal would rid illegals out of Mass.

by Howie Carr
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I have a big problem with giving my fellow American citizens welfare, so why the hell would I want to extend the handouts to every freeloading illegal alien in the world?

Auntie Zeituni, this means you!

OK, so this proposed cutoff of “services” to non-citizens by GOP Rep. Jeff Perry is a political ploy in his campaign for Congress. Who cares? What exactly is Barack Obama doing proposing amnesty for millions of illegals but trying to gin up his vote for the fall?

What was the problem with the immigration system before Ted Kennedy reformed it back in 1965? If you wanted to immigrate here, you had to have a sponsor, and your American sponsor had to sign an affidavit swearing that you, the immigrant, would not become a burden on the taxpaying public.

Those were indeed the good old days. According to a Harvard University study a few years back, now one-third of all immigrant households are getting one handout or another, compared to 15 percent of native-born households.

Since when has it been nativist and racist to be in favor of enforcing the laws on the books? You and I have to obey them, why aren’t they enforced for everyone? Here’s how it should work for foreigners. Come over here - legally. Work - repeat, work - for a few years. Pay into the system, learn the language, then become a citizen. Then collect, if you need it.

And by the way, no more anchor babies. Changing that law is job one.

Yeah, I know, the illegals are only doing the jobs Americans won’t do. That’s what George Bush used to say. But if that’s the case, if so many of them are working so darned hard, how come they and their “advocates” seem so obsessed with welfare programs, whether it’s free health care (which they already have in hospital emergency rooms) or what amounts to free in-state college tuition.

Perry’s amendment is just a sidebar to the larger story, out of Arizona, about the new law making illegal immigration a crime out there along the border. A rancher was recently murdered out there by a, well, let’s just say the cops believe that an undocumented worker is the new American of interest.

According to the latest polls, 70 percent of the Arizona citizenry supports the crackdown. That includes 51 percent of Arizona Democrats. Yet the legislation is invariably described as “polarizing.”

Close to 60 percent of the American people oppose the nationalization of health care. Yet, as has been noted on the Internet, have you ever once heard the lame-stream media describe the health-care legislation as “polarizing?” Oh no, it’s a reform.

The unemployment rate in Massachusetts is over 9 percent. It’s 9.5 percent nationally. Everyone is broke, yet the illegals still come, hands out. Here’s a novel thought: Charity begins at home.

State Rep. Jeff Perry (R-Sandwich)has...
State Rep. Jeff Perry (R-Sandwich)has filed an amendment
to the budget that would force state departments offering
taxpayer-funded assistance to check the applicant with
federal immigration authorities. (DNN Staff photo)

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