A glancing look at your Democrats hard at work for you
by Donnie Boston
Monday, Jan. 11, 2010
Since the Democrats have taken over Massachusetts, can you say things have gotten better for you?
Well, let me run by you what they have accomplished since you've elected many of them to office. They are listed in no particular order.
Your governor, Deval Patrick promised you before he got elected that he would cut your property tax. Instead he raised taxes on everything he has gotten his hands on, including upping the sales tax 25 percent. And let's not forget the law he abolished to have all illegals arrested on the spot.
Your Mayor, Tom Menino once again hosed you right after electing him for a fifth term by upping your property tax 6.3 percent. This is after recently mandating a new meals tax while knowing the sales tax also went up 25 percent.
Your Democratic leaders promised that if you didn't vote out the state income tax you wouldn't have to pay a hefty price. Can you say you've been hosed again?
After raising your property tax, the city sells a $430,000 welfare building in East Boston to a developer for $100. It was later acknowledged that the developer donated $500 to the mayor's re-election campaign.
Your mayor's Liaison for East Boston, John Forbes got caught servicing Boston's neighborhoods with dope. Some of his services included selling drugs inside City Hall. He was arrested and is facing 10 to 20 years in prison.
Your mayor's top aid, Mike Kineavy got caught deleting thousands of public e-mails that was in violation of the state's public records laws. He was forced to take a leave of absence without pay.
Your state senator, Anthony Galluccio blamed toothpaste for failing a home Breathalyzer test after he was placed under house arrest for a hit and run accident. He is now serving one year in prison for violating his probation.
Your State Senator, Dianne Wilkerson could face 20 years in prison for getting caught on camera stuffing bribe cash into her bra. Also, your City Councilman, Chuck Turner had the cuffs placed on him at City Hall for pocketing cash in relation to the same bribe.
Your State Senator, Jim Marzilli had to be removed from the Senate after sexually harassing women at an Octoberfest.
Your elected official in Middlesex County, John Buonomo got caught on camera robbing thousands of dollars out of copy machines in the Registry of Deeds in Cambridge. He claimed he needed the cash for office supplies. He is now serving 30 months in prison.
Sal DiMasi became your third Democratic House Speaker in a row to get indicted. He got caught embezzling cash from a software company to open up a third mortgage on his North End home. He could face more than 20 years in prison.
Your State Rep. Michael Rodrigues journeyed to New Hampshire to buy alcohol to avoid paying the 6.25 percent tax he voted for.
True or false? Are you paying more and getting a lot less ever since...?
Martha Coakley believes in defending illegal aliens. She is one of the overwhelmingly majority of your Democrats who don't know what illegal stands for. And she is your state's Attorney General now running to be your U.S. Senator.
Your late U.S. Senator, Ted Kennedy said it was the un-Democratic thing to do when Republican Gov. Romney wanted to appoint a successor to an open Senate Seat. He changed his tune when Democratic Gov. Patrick suggested to do the same.
Can you give me a number on how many of your Democratic legislators have not paid their fair share of taxes?
Your former Rep., Robert Coughlin believes in double-dipping. He continued working on the Bio-Tech Welfare bill while applying to be head of the Bio-Tech Council. He later received an ethics fine of $10,000.
Your Democratic-controlled legislature has been in session to preserve the hack holidays of Evacuation Day and Bunker Hill Day. There is nothing more important.
Why is it when I write about them Democrats I always run out of space?
State Senator Dianne Wilkerson is shown stuffing a $1,000
cash bribe in her bra. Just one out of the many crimes
committed by the Democrats of Massachusetts.
Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.
Marzilli resigned; he was not removed. It had nothing to do with an "Oktobefest."