Menino hoses own voters with hefty prop. tax hike

Monday, Dec. 14, 2009
Here's some questions I got for the Beautiful People:
When will you ever come to your senses that you've been getting hosed by the people you keep electing into office? Wasn't it just a year ago when they promised you that if you didn't do away with the income tax that you would be relieved from any further tax increases? And just before Deval Patrick got elected, didn't he promise you that he would give you property tax relief?
What bull!
Ever since, they have significantly taxed anything they have gotten their hands on, causing many hardships in your lives. This includes small businesses being taxed to the brink, causing the unemployment rate to sore to 9 percent here. And guess what? With the next property tax increase that was imposed by the mayor, small businesses especially are going to be hammered again. Oh, that soaring unemployment rate!
Don't say I didn't warn you on how dangerous it would be to have a one-party rule of liberals govern this state. When Romney chose not to run again, I told you what would happen if you didn't elect Muffy to the Corner Office. You see, there has been no opposition to debate the issues at stake because a governing one-party will always agree on most things, even if their policies are deranged. Sound familiar?
So recently the Beautiful People gave Menino another term, his fifth. In return he thanks them by upping the property tax to a whopping 6.3 percent, effective Jan. 1. Who else would ring in the New Year of being the first loon to raise taxes?
No, his new meals' tax wasn't nearly enough, so in came the mayor with his whopping $173. a month increase to basically all them Beautiful Homeowners who voted for him. In case you're wondering, your residential tax rate will rise from $10.63 per thousand dollars in 2009 fiscal year to $11.88, causing the tax bill for the average home valued at $372,138 and declaring an exemption to climb from $2,762 to $2,935. As for business properties, the tax rate will increase from $27.11/$1,000 valuation to $29.38/$1,000 valuation.
What's even more outrageous is that the value of your property is not expected to increase for at least the foreseeable future. It kind of reminds you on how liberals have been running things since you've elected them: Pay more get less.
Did I tell you what a woman told me after I bumped in to her? She is worried about how her tenants are going to afford their rents after Jan 1 since they can't afford them now. I asked her who she voted for. She said Menino fooled me again. I told her she gets the government she deserves for voting him in again and walked away.
But come to think of it, even if Mumbles told voters of his property tax increase during his campaign, them Beautiful People would have still elected him. You see, we live in an area where people continue to enjoy donating their hard-earned money to irresponsible and corrupt government. And these are the same individuals who back the mayor's latest tax hike on properties.
They say that property taxes for Boston homeowners remain 30 percent below the statewide average. But little do they know that when you combine payrolls, other taxes, rent, utilities, travel costs and other expenses, Boston is considered to be up there with the most expensive cities in the country.
It's leaders like Menino who continue to feed the problem we got today. For instance, when your only alternative is to keep raising taxes, promoting illegal aliens and rewarding people who don't work, this state will always finish in the red because there will be a lot less revenue to collect. This has been the approach by the Democrats ever since they have taken full control of this state from day one.
In fact, the Boston Municipal Research Bureau is already projecting a $3 billion state revenue shortfall next fiscal year and deep cuts in state aide. And guess what? Thanks to the voters, we will have another four years of “Tommy Taxes,” and another full year ahead of the brain-dead Deval Patrick. Now how dangerous is that? Actually, it's terrifying!
So keep electing the same type of government like we got today, and they will continue to fool you just like Menino has done once again.
Just maybe someday it will sink in. But then again, looking into the very near future it may be just a little too late.
Merry Christmas!
In a Scrooge-like move, hefty tax and spender,
Mayor Tom Menino, as seen above in this staff
illustration, hosed the voters who recently elected
him for a fifth term by hiking the city's property tax
6.3 percent.
Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano
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