Sunday, December 27, 2009

Health Care: That's Scott Brown's ticket

Article 12-28-09

Special Election centered on health care reform

by Howie Carr
Monday, Dec. 28, 2009

Merry Christmas, Scott Brown, and boy have the Democrats in Congress handed you the perfect gift - health-care “reform.”

Between now and election day, Jan. 19, there is no other issue.

This is what the Senate fight is all about. If the voter likes his or her health care - or at least doesn’t believe that the federal government is going to improve it - then they should vote for you, Scott Brown.

If they really, truly believe that Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi know more about their health-care needs than the voter himself and his physician, then by all means vote for Martha Coakley.

It’s that simple.

Every other issue is . . . extraneous. Afghanistan, abortion, the crushing state tax increases, even illegal aliens. Don’t worry about Joe Kennedy either. He’s not going to be a factor, not if you keep hammering Martha on the half-trillion dollar cut in Medicare.

Not 500 billion, but a half-trillion, because it sounds even more ominous when you say “trillion.” Hey, those are the Democrats’ own numbers. You know, Harry Reid’s and Martha Coakley’s.

The Democrats are asking you to believe they’re from the government and they’re here to help you. If you liked the Big Dig and Barney Frank’s sub-prime mortgage schemes, you’ll love health-care reform.

Who cares who’s running Hamas? The only question is, will you be able to get a mammogram that might save your life? This is a scam to charge more money - a lot more money - for a vastly inferior health-care system.

These politicians don’t care about your health care, let alone your health. They care only about power.

And Martha Coakley is one of them. Period.

You need a colonoscopy? Call your congressman. No, call your congressman’s campaign-finance chairman. These people don’t dream of a summer cottage, they want a dacha.

The only issue in this campaign is the wrecking ball the Democrats have vowed to take to your health care. They want you to be totally dependent on them and, I repeat, Martha Coakley is one of them.

Nothing else matters. Ted Kennedy is dead and Sarah Palin is irrelevant.

What happens if your doctor decides to open a boutique “practice,” like they’re already doing in New York? Why do you suppose the Beautiful People don’t care about this? Because they’re planning to buy their way out of the impending fiasco, just like they always do.

It’s always the working people who are left holding the bag, while the swells from Goldman Sachs jet off in their Gulfstreams to Hobe Sound.

Scott Brown shouldn’t sweat the debates. Whatever the question is, this is Scott’s answer:

“That’s an important issue, but right now, this disastrous so-called health-care legislation is in conference committee, and if it isn’t out by Jan. 19, I pledge to you that if I can, I will cast the 41st vote to kill it, and if I can’t, then at least my election, in this bluest of states, will send a thunderous message that any Democrat who votes to allow Barack Obama to do to health care what he has already done to our economy will pay the ultimate price at the polls.”

Scott Brown
Sen. Scott Brown speaks on how bad health
care reform would be for the working citizen.
(DNN Staff photo)

Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano

Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A political party we can all support

Article 12-21-09

My experience at White House Christmas bash

by Bill O'Reilly
Monday, Dec. 21, 2009

One of the good things about being a media loudmouth is that occasionally you get invited somewhere you actually want to go. This year, I was lucky enough to get an invitation to the White House media holiday party, which would have been called a Christmas party if U.S. Grant were still president.

Anyway, this is the fourth time I’ve attended the annual event, and I count myself very fortunate. I love the White House - it symbolizes the greatness of America. The courage and goodness that have been displayed inside this residence ever since John Adams moved in have dramatically changed the world for the better.

Last year, President and Mrs. Bush hosted their final party, and it was fairly extravagant. This year, the crowd was much smaller and the atmosphere was toned down a bit, perhaps because of the government-spending controversy and the recession.

My brief meeting with President and Mrs. Obama went well. Even though I have challenged the president on a number of occasions, I believe I have been fair to him. We chatted briefly, and he said that I looked to be in better shape than the last time we saw each other. I said that’s because he’s keeping me on my toes.

Michelle Obama, whom I had never met, was stunning. She was warm and kind to my 10-year-old daughter and gracious to me. My quick assessment of her: strong, charismatic and beautiful.

After greeting the Obamas, I ran into the president’s cadre of advisers and gave them some jazz about the war on Fox News.

At Christmastime, we should all put politics aside. And that’s what the Obamas did. There were a number of Republicans at the party, and everybody I talked with had a great time. I was pleased with the event and, again, feel privileged to have the vantage point.

I wish everybody could visit the White House in December. There is something about viewing all the portraits of past presidents, hearing the Marine Corps choir sing Christmas songs and seeing each White House room perfectly decorated for the season that is invigorating, even thrilling.

So, I received my Christmas present early. Thanks for the party, Mr. President.

Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano

Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hey Mumbles, you were always a scrooge, too

Article 12-14-09

Menino hoses own voters with hefty prop. tax hike

My Photo
by Donnie Boston
Monday, Dec. 14, 2009

Here's some questions I got for the Beautiful People:

When will you ever come to your senses that you've been getting hosed by the people you keep electing into office? Wasn't it just a year ago when they promised you that if you didn't do away with the income tax that you would be relieved from any further tax increases? And just before Deval Patrick got elected, didn't he promise you that he would give you property tax relief?

What bull!

Ever since, they have significantly taxed anything they have gotten their hands on, causing many hardships in your lives. This includes small businesses being taxed to the brink, causing the unemployment rate to sore to 9 percent here. And guess what? With the next property tax increase that was imposed by the mayor, small businesses especially are going to be hammered again. Oh, that soaring unemployment rate!

Don't say I didn't warn you on how dangerous it would be to have a one-party rule of liberals govern this state. When Romney chose not to run again, I told you what would happen if you didn't elect Muffy to the Corner Office. You see, there has been no opposition to debate the issues at stake because a governing one-party will always agree on most things, even if their policies are deranged. Sound familiar?

So recently the Beautiful People gave Menino another term, his fifth. In return he thanks them by upping the property tax to a whopping 6.3 percent, effective Jan. 1. Who else would ring in the New Year of being the first loon to raise taxes?

No, his new meals' tax wasn't nearly enough, so in came the mayor with his whopping $173. a month increase to basically all them Beautiful Homeowners who voted for him. In case you're wondering, your residential tax rate will rise from $10.63 per thousand dollars in 2009 fiscal year to $11.88, causing the tax bill for the average home valued at $372,138 and declaring an exemption to climb from $2,762 to $2,935. As for business properties, the tax rate will increase from $27.11/$1,000 valuation to $29.38/$1,000 valuation.

What's even more outrageous is that the value of your property is not expected to increase for at least the foreseeable future. It kind of reminds you on how liberals have been running things since you've elected them: Pay more get less.

Did I tell you what a woman told me after I bumped in to her? She is worried about how her tenants are going to afford their rents after Jan 1 since they can't afford them now. I asked her who she voted for. She said Menino fooled me again. I told her she gets the government she deserves for voting him in again and walked away.

But come to think of it, even if Mumbles told voters of his property tax increase during his campaign, them Beautiful People would have still elected him. You see, we live in an area where people continue to enjoy donating their hard-earned money to irresponsible and corrupt government. And these are the same individuals who back the mayor's latest tax hike on properties.

They say that property taxes for Boston homeowners remain 30 percent below the statewide average. But little do they know that when you combine payrolls, other taxes, rent, utilities, travel costs and other expenses, Boston is considered to be up there with the most expensive cities in the country.

It's leaders like Menino who continue to feed the problem we got today. For instance, when your only alternative is to keep raising taxes, promoting illegal aliens and rewarding people who don't work, this state will always finish in the red because there will be a lot less revenue to collect. This has been the approach by the Democrats ever since they have taken full control of this state from day one.

In fact, the Boston Municipal Research Bureau is already projecting a $3 billion state revenue shortfall next fiscal year and deep cuts in state aide. And guess what? Thanks to the voters, we will have another four years of “Tommy Taxes,” and another full year ahead of the brain-dead Deval Patrick. Now how dangerous is that? Actually, it's terrifying!

So keep electing the same type of government like we got today, and they will continue to fool you just like Menino has done once again.

Just maybe someday it will sink in. But then again, looking into the very near future it may be just a little too late.

Merry Christmas!

BAH HUMBUG: In a Scrooge-like move,...
In a Scrooge-like move, hefty tax and spender,
Mayor Tom Menino, as seen
above in this staff
illustration, hosed the voters who recently elected

him for a fifth term by hiking the city's property tax
6.3 percent.

Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

One question in senate race: Is it over yet?

Article 12-7-09

Senate race nearing finish line for Dems

by Howie Carr
Monday, Dec. 7, 2009

This Democrat Senate primary is accomplishing the impossible. It’s making the Mumbles-Flats fight for mayor of Boston seem downright exciting.

It all comes down to the moonbat turnout. They’re depressed, demoralized, Devaled - and by the way, if Deval were a chicken in the oven, his little white temperature button would have popped up by now. Stick a fork in him, he’s done. But that’s next year’s story.

Let’s look at the Senate candidates with a mere one day to go, not that we’re counting the days until it’s over.

Martha Coakley: Have you seen a male in her TV ads, other than the dog I mean? If you want to know which men in your neighborhood are henpecked, check out the houses with the Coakley yard signs out front.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say if her name were Martin Coakley, her candidacy would be a joke. But what exactly is the rationale here, other than payback for Shannon O’Brien? Take that, Mitt! And never forget what John Silber did to Evelyn Murphy. Or was it Frank Bellotti?

She is woman, hear her roar, or is it purr? But she does have male supporters - every lawyer in the Legislature who wants to succeed her as attorney general.

Steve Pagliuca: Is the frontrunner for this year’s Chris Gabrieli Lifetime Achievement Award. He’s finding out the hard way that the male sports fan is a mighty small caucus in the Democratic primary electorate.

One problem is that the handful of people (okay, men) who might be inclined to vote for Pags now have to convince themselves that he’s been lying to them in all those TV spots in which he claims to be a moonbat. Oh, and by the way, Pags has apparently never heard of DVR. Most of the people in his campaign’s target demos don’t watch TV ads anymore. They fast-forward through them.

If I were one of Pags’ consultants, I’d want my last paycheck wired directly to the bank. Before the results start coming in Tuesday night.

Mike Capuano: The only candidate who’s running against Dick Cheney. Has full-blown Potomac fever, boring everyone with committee-assignment talk and his votes. Endorsement from Barney Frank should be good for at least a dozen votes.

Mumbles’ organization is behind him in Boston, apparently as payback for Martha’s zeal in going after the Mumbles e-mail “scandal,” except of course in reality she did everything but personally deliver Mike Kineavy’s City Hall hard-drive to a trash compactor.

Alan Khazei: His theory of victory, such as it is: If you give Democrats a choice between a moonbat and a moonbat, they’ll pick the moonbat every time. That steady 4 or 5 percent he gets in the polls was most likely going to drift off in the final days to Capuano. But now the Globe has endorsed him, and it could sway as many votes his way as that big Barney Frank nod for Capuano.

Three guys, one woman = woman wins.

THE FIELD: Clockwise from left,...
The deranged field of Democrats: Clockwise from left,
Senate candidates Martha Coakley, Alan Khazei, Michael
Capuano and Stephen Pagliuca. (File photo)

Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano

Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.