Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hire me, and your poll numbers will go up, Mr. President

Article 10-26-09

President Obama urged to back this Bill

by Bill O'Reilly
Monday, Oct. 26, 2009

President Obama should fire White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and hire me as his top adviser. Don’t laugh. I can almost guarantee higher poll numbers for the president if he brings me on board.

The first thing I would do is declare a truce with Fox News. Right now, the president is spending more time launching offensives against FNC than against the Taliban. The American people want Osama bin Laden’s head on a stick, not Glenn Beck’s. What exactly does attacking FNC get the president? Plus, it’s hypocritical. Didn’t Barack Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize?

Next, I would suggest that the commander in chief actually listen to his top general in Afghanistan and his secretary of defense. After listening, the president would immediately send 40,000 more troops to provide additional security in that Godforsaken place. As a trusted adviser, I would remind the president that the U.S. military is a vital enterprise and deserves a chance to win in Afghanistan.

After accomplishing those two things, Obama and I would get lunch. Then, back to work.

Bringing down health-care costs is huge for the president, and I would advise him to drop the so-called public option and concentrate on increased insurance competition across state lines. If insurance companies could compete nationwide, health premiums would fall. And if you add tort reform to blunt the out-of-control medical lawsuit industry, doctors and medical personnel could charge less because their enormous medical malpractice bills would shrink.

By the way, the vast majority of Americans would support both of those things because they are free. They don’t cost the taxpayers anything. The public option would cost trillions. A good adviser should be frugal with taxpayer dollars.

Having dealt with all of that, the president and I would sit down for a heart to heart. I would tell him that he has to tamp down his fascination with far-left radicals. Hanging around with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright was OK when Obama was a Chicago community guy shooting hoops in the schoolyard. Now that he’s the most powerful man in the world, the left-wing loon factor must become a red flag.

I would gently suggest to the president that he tell his top aides not to publicly say Chairman Mao was a great philosopher, as White House Communications Director Anita Dunn recently did. In fact, while Mao was weaving his philosophy, more than 30 million Chinese died grisly deaths. So, as the president’s top adviser, I would urge the following: NO MORE REFERENCES TO MAO!

Finally, I would advise Obama to stay off TV for a while. There is no question that he is overexposed. However, I would counsel him to appear on “The O’Reilly Factor.” Because O’Reilly is no longer in the anchor seat, having taken the White House position, the president might even be able to complete a sentence. So, OK to Fox News. Detente at last.

President Obama
It's not like President Obama needs some
as his poll numbers continue to
(File photo)

Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano

Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Up is down and dow is up on Planet Deval

Article 10-19-09

Bay State faces, this time, a $600M deficit

by Howie Carr
Monday, Oct. 19, 2009

So which is it, Deval? Is Massachusetts “poised” for economic recovery - or Armageddon? I’m confused.

This is what Deval said on Wednesday: “Massachusetts is poised to come out of this downturn faster and stronger than the rest of the country.”

This is what he said 24 hours later, on the subject of the state’s $600 million budget deficit (so far) and the possibility of laying off 2,000 state employees: “There are some things we do in state government . . . that we are not going to be able to do anymore.”

Mixed message, anyone?

Deval on Wednesday: “We can plot a course together to make the most of our recovery.”

Deval on Thursday: “There are no quick fixes, no easy choices, no low-hanging fruit.”

Obviously, the electorate here in the low-hanging banana republic of Massachusetts is none too bright - 54 percent voted for Deval, and by the way, how is that property-tax relief he promised working out for you? Together we con. But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time, even if you have the trust-fund media trying their damnedest to put Deval’s political three-card monte game over on the public again.

Which is where the word “poised” comes in. It is surely no coincidence that in announcing that happy days are here again, Deval employed the “p” word. Funny, a certain struggling broadsheet just three weeks ago ran a front-page fantasy that began: “Massachusetts is poised to recover from the economic downturn sooner and faster than the nation as a whole.”

Evidence? Unemployment jumped last week to 9.3 percent, the highest since 1976. A headline Wednesday: “Bay State Chap. 7 bankruptcy filings soar.” A Friday headline: “(Unemployment) insurance fund running out.”

Here’s how the grift works. First the fawning in-the-satchel press runs a story that might charitably be described as thinly sourced. The moonbat governor lifts the lead of the puff piece and inserts it into his press release. What little remains of the rest of the mainstream media can parrot it back.

But sometimes the evidence becomes too overwhelming for even a bow-tied bumkisser to ignore. That’s when Deval and his media cheerleaders trot out another verb to explain away the reality of the economic meltdown they have visited upon us.

The word is “lag.”

Oh sure, they sheepishly admit, it looks bad now, but (fill in the blank: unemployment, bankruptcies, plummeting tax revenues, dead housing market) always “lags” the recovery.

You have to think Deval is watching the New Jersey governor’s race very carefully. As in Massachusetts, you have an unpopular incumbent who has likewise presided over massive corruption and huge tax increases that have cratered the economy.

But the Jersey incumbent, Jon Corzine, also has an independent draining off just enough anti-Democrat votes to keep him running even with his Republican challenger. Sound familiar?

Meanwhile, despite all the gloom-and-doom talk, are the hacks really worried about being laid off? Senate President Therese Murray was quoted as saying her payroll patriot pals are panicking.

“It’s painful, it’s very painful. And you know these people, you can see their faces, you know their families. It’ll be devastating.”

Jeez, they might even have to go out and get . . . real jobs. Or try to, anyway.

Meanwhile, Deval’s Dear Leader, Barack Obama, will be in town this week. And I just thought of another word the media love to throw around when trying to gloss over what their political idols have done to the economy.

The word is “bailout.” What do you suppose Deval’s personal bailout plan is, and will he be discussing it with his friend? I would say yes, Deval is poised for a bailout.

Gov. Deval Patrick.
With yet another deficit of $600M this time,
Gov. Deval Patrick suggest cutting another
2,000 jobs or slash wages. (DNN Staff photo)

Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Monday, October 12, 2009

More B.S.: President Obama could win Kentucky Derby, too

Article 10-13-09

Barack wins Nobel Peace Prize in record time

by Howie Carr
Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2009

Either the Red Sox win Sunday afternoon at Fenway or they go home for the winter. There’s only one man who can absolutely guarantee this must-win game.

Now pitching for the Red Sox: Barack Hussein Nobel Obama, the southpaw who wants to get both of his paws on your wallet.

So what if he’s 48 and has never played the game? He’ll get the “W” - that’s the lesson of this Nobel Peace Prize nonsense. He can throw the ball in the dirt in front of home plate - strike one! He can toss it over the catcher’s head - strike two! He can roll it to the plate like he’s back in that Pennsylvania bowling alley - Yer out!

It’ll be a perfect perfect game: 81 pitches, 81 strikes, at least if the home-plate umpire knows what’s good for him, if he doesn’t want to be called a . . . well, you know what Barack’s Kool-Aid-swilling cheerleaders call anybody who dares say the emperor has no clothes.

Who are these rac- I mean, who are these nattering nabobs of negativism who say Barack Obama has done nothing to earn this latest handout? Of course he’s advanced the cause of world peace. Have you forgotten the Beer Summit?

Even as we speak, the Obama administration is trying to return Manuel Zelaya to power in Honduras - you know, the dear pal of Hugo Chavez who is holed up in the Brazilian embassy down there, claiming he is being poisoned with death rays by "Israeli mercenaries.” Barack really knows how to pick ’em, doesn’t he?

Is Barack still trying to quit smoking? Let’s give him the Nobel Prize for Medicine. I heard he’s finally learned the phrase “p/e” stands for price-to-earnings ratio. Surely that merits the Nobel Prize for Economics.

The head of the IRS, Tim Geithner, is an admitted serial tax cheat. Ditto, the head of the House tax-writing committee, Charles Rangel. Do they have a Nobel Prize yet for irony. Or hypocrisy?

Wasn’t it nice of Barack to halfheartedly put on his self-deprecating hat Friday at the White House, saying, “I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures.”

More insincere words have never been spoken. What was it Winston Churchill who said of his rival Clement Atlee: “Mr. Atlee is a very modest man. But then he has much to be modest about.”

Don’t you ever dare say anything like that about Barack or they’ll call you a - well, you know they’ll call you, at least on MSNBC, where Comrade Chris and Comrade Keith both got tingles up their legs on Friday.

Barack is a guy who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. When are we going to see his SAT and LSAT scores? Must have been very good, considering he was admitted to Columbia and Harvard Law, right? Got to be editor of the Harvard Law Review without writing a single article - how do these things happen?

The Norwegian moonbat in charge of these latest reparations - I mean very-well-deserved honors - said the $1.4 million payoff, er, prize, is intended to “contribute a little bit to enhance what he is trying to do.” Hmmm. Around here, we call that walking-around money. You know, to “grease a few guys,” as one indictment put it, quoting a solon who received a much smaller “prize.”

Why don’t we just give Barack the Triple Crown right now? Not just the baseball Triple Crown, but the Triple Crown of horse racing too - he deserves it as much as he deserves this next trip to Scandinavia, a make-up call for losing the Olympics in Copenhagen.

Is it too early to get down a bet on the Kentucky Derby? I want Barack. Win, place AND show.

Former President Jimmy Carter’s...
Above is Former President Jimmy Carter’s
Nobel Peace Prize, which took him 22 years
to achieve after his presidency. (File Photo)

Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano

Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

See state bully day-care centers

Article 10-5-09

Day-care reform threatens smaller providers

by Michael Graham
Monday, Oct. 5, 2009

They are from the government, and they don’t want you to help.

Lisa Snyder’s neighbors in Middleville, Mich., left for work every morning before the school buses arrived. So she told her friends she’d watch their three kids at her house before school. She didn’t get paid for it. She didn’t get reimbursed for Cheerios or juice boxes.

So what did Lisa get for her trouble? Threatened with prosecution.

The state declared her yard an illegal day-care operation. She either had to stop, get licensed or go to jail.

“We’re just friends helping friends,” Lisa says. But that’s not good enough now that the nanny state has turned on the nannies.

I thought about poor Lisa when I picked up yesterday’s Herald and saw the draconian regulations the Patrick administration is foisting on Bay State babysitters.

Starting in January, day-care workers must write regular “progress reports” on the “cognitive, social and emotional skill developments of infants and preschoolers.” (Emphasis added.)

Who is that report for? Will it be filed with the state? What the heck will be in it?

“Day Care Report No. J/254-B. During the last three months, Client 004 (AKA Timmy) seemed to progress from simple ‘goo goos’ to more complex ‘gaa gaas.’ Emotional reaction to Tinky Winky remains negative.”

Day care workers will also have to write curricula and prove they’re providing quality educational experiences - when they’re not brushing the kids’ teeth.

That’s right - the new regs include a tooth-brushing mandate, either after meals or at least once every four hours. (Gov, we’ve got flossing issues at the Little Snowflake Daycare. Call in the toothbrush inspectors!)

Folks, regardless of the new state mandate declaring them “educators,” what we’re talking about here are “babysitters.” It’s a noble calling but it’s not rocket science. I just want them to keep my kids from hurting themselves, pooping themselves or doing these things to or on the other kids.

Some parents want aggressive, academic-oriented early childhood training and they’re willing to pay for it. Other parents just want their children safe, cared for and engaged until they can get home. Either way, would you rather have the day-care worker writing up a state-mandated progress report or playing “Godzilla Ate Candy Land” (my daughter’s favorite!) with your kid?

If Patrick mandates that every day-care worker become a skilled educator with a lesson plan and toothbrush timer, he’s going to drive smaller providers out of business. Women who earn desperately needed income caring for neighborhood children will find it difficult to meet these mandates.

Meanwhile, the big companies with big bureaucracies will simply crank out these meaningless reports and pass on the expense to cash-strapped working parents. As a result, good providers and their desperate customer parents will go off the books and underground.

So why is the Patrick administration doing it? Day care reform has hardly been a hot topic of late.

Is the goal to drive private providers out of business and force more parents into government-run day-care thus creating jobs for unionized government workers?

Or is this yet another expression of the liberal assumption that whether you’re running a day care or watching the school bus stop, the government can always do a better job?

Either way, Patrick needs to give the genius who came up with this plan a serious timeout.

‘IT’S A BIT...
Just one of the many, Sparklle Thames, 25, of Jamaica
Plain, mother of 4-year-old Janylah Etienne, who
disagrees with the new strict regulations
for day-care providers in Massachusetts.
(DNN Staff photo)

Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano

Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.