Sunday, August 2, 2009

Just another dandy of a free-pass given to Obama

Article 8-3-09

Beer Summit nothing more than diversion

by Donnie Boston
Monday, Aug. 3, 2009

I don't know the facts, but I do know Cambridge Police acted stupidly.”

Could you imagine if this was all reversed? Let's say, the arresting officer was black and the intruder was white. And, let's say, many of our most recent presidents made such a comment. I would believe the impeachment process would have been well underway by now. “I never had sex with that woman,” Bill Clinton ought to know. He almost got the boot for lying as you remember.

But, as usual, this was nothing more than another free-pass given to Obama. It has become quite common now. You remember all the issues that pertained to him when he was running for office? They were the kind of issues that would have sunk any candidate.

The most recent one involved Obama's comment regarding the Cambridge Police arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Gates. It was a response from a question that should have been “no comment.” Instead it turned out to be the biggest blunder a president has ever made during an “address to the nation” speech.

What a question to ask when Obama's entire speech was supposed to be about health care. I'm sure you've heard of those “plant” questions, where the president wants a reporter to bring up an issue so he can talk about it? The only problem was Obama's little comment about the issue backfired on him big time.

Have you seen his latest poll numbers? He was at 62 percent when he came into office, now he's at 48 according to the latest Rasmussen poll. And his latest blunder sure didn't help him by far.

In fact, he ended up throwing a Beer Summit between the parties involved to ease racial tensions.

But to me, it was nothing more than a diversion from the real truth. And the truth remains that the American people realized that they elected a racist for a president. You didn't know the facts, Mr. President, yet you say the Cambridge Police acted stupidly? Is this because you're good friends with Mr. Gates and that he's black? Even a person with a well below average mind could figure this one out, I think?

And how about those bias media outlets?

While I was watching the weather guy on Channel 7, he said we got to go and that he would be right back. I'm sure he even got shocked because he was never able to come back to complete his forecast. Instead the footage remained all about Obama's Beer Summit diversion, which didn't even include any audio. Only the play-by-play was available from about a half of football field away.

After it was all over, the bias media went to work in backing Obama, of course, with the only exception being Fox News. Just like I do, they also tell it like it is.

Did you hear what Gov. Patrick said about the entire situation?

Here's another comment for the books: “People have the right to yell in their own homes,” says the governor. No, it wasn't because Gates was being arrested for dis-orderly conduct towards a cop. Instead it was all about race with Patrick as usual.

Like governor like president, with both putting race over law enforcement officers. What does this tell you?

America is-ah changing!

LIQUID DINNER: Vice President Joe...
LIQUID DINNER: Vice President Joe Biden,
Henry Louis Gates Jr., Sgt. James Crowley
and President Obama, from left, meet
over beers at the White House this past
Thursday. (DNN Staff photo)

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