Special Election centered on health care reform
by Howie Carr
Monday, Dec. 28, 2009
Merry Christmas, Scott Brown, and boy have the Democrats in Congress handed you the perfect gift - health-care “reform.”
Between now and election day, Jan. 19, there is no other issue.
This is what the Senate fight is all about. If the voter likes his or her health care - or at least doesn’t believe that the federal government is going to improve it - then they should vote for you, Scott Brown.If they really, truly believe that Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi know more about their health-care needs than the voter himself and his physician, then by all means vote for Martha Coakley.
It’s that simple.
Every other issue is . . . extraneous. Afghanistan, abortion, the crushing state tax increases, even illegal aliens. Don’t worry about Joe Kennedy either. He’s not going to be a factor, not if you keep hammering Martha on the half-trillion dollar cut in Medicare.Not 500 billion, but a half-trillion, because it sounds even more ominous when you say “trillion.” Hey, those are the Democrats’ own numbers. You know, Harry Reid’s and Martha Coakley’s.
The Democrats are asking you to believe they’re from the government and they’re here to help you. If you liked the Big Dig and Barney Frank’s sub-prime mortgage schemes, you’ll love health-care reform.
Who cares who’s running Hamas? The only question is, will you be able to get a mammogram that might save your life? This is a scam to charge more money - a lot more money - for a vastly inferior health-care system.
These politicians don’t care about your health care, let alone your health. They care only about power.
And Martha Coakley is one of them. Period.
You need a colonoscopy? Call your congressman. No, call your congressman’s campaign-finance chairman. These people don’t dream of a summer cottage, they want a dacha.
The only issue in this campaign is the wrecking ball the Democrats have vowed to take to your health care. They want you to be totally dependent on them and, I repeat, Martha Coakley is one of them.
Nothing else matters. Ted Kennedy is dead and Sarah Palin is irrelevant.
What happens if your doctor decides to open a boutique “practice,” like they’re already doing in New York? Why do you suppose the Beautiful People don’t care about this? Because they’re planning to buy their way out of the impending fiasco, just like they always do.
It’s always the working people who are left holding the bag, while the swells from Goldman Sachs jet off in their Gulfstreams to Hobe Sound.
Scott Brown shouldn’t sweat the debates. Whatever the question is, this is Scott’s answer:
“That’s an important issue, but right now, this disastrous so-called health-care legislation is in conference committee, and if it isn’t out by Jan. 19, I pledge to you that if I can, I will cast the 41st vote to kill it, and if I can’t, then at least my election, in this bluest of states, will send a thunderous message that any Democrat who votes to allow Barack Obama to do to health care what he has already done to our economy will pay the ultimate price at the polls.”