Wednesday, July 29, 2009

At last, your one-party set to deliver

Article 7-30-09

Democrats ready to unleash more hardships

by Donnie Boston
Thursday, Jul. 30, 2009 - EXTRA!

In just a couple of days, you're going to be paying more thanks to all of the Beautiful People.

They chose to elect a one-party rule to govern this state after I warned many of them what devastation it would bring. Since the Democrats have taken control, people have been paying more and more to feed their corruption and irresponsibility to run city and state government.

You see, there is simply no opposition for debate on basically any of the issues that arise. Parties tend to stick together even when they are wrong when it comes to the issues at stake. And the Democrats simply have been wrong on just about everything since you elected them to take total control of this state in 2006.

For instance, they all chose to significantly raise your taxes and add additional ones during the height of a recession, putting more hardships into your lives.

Your sales tax will increase 25 percent. And even though there is an exemption on alcohol, you're going to pay $6.25 percent more.

If you have a satellite service like Direct TV or Dish Network, you're going to pay new taxes. Massachusetts will now be in the world record books to be the only place to tax satellite TV.

Watch out for nursing home taxes. We have a nursing home shortage as is, with more threatening to close along with drug costs going through the roof. Now the Legislature wants to add further hardships by taxing both.

If all this isn't enough, Gov. Patrick is still not ruling out his ever-expanding increase in the gas tax if all of the above doesn't balance the books.

Then there are those Beautiful People at "Stop the Pike Hike," celebrating and taking all the credit for preventing the tolls from going up. They still can't understand that the real reason why the tolls didn't go up (yet) is because everything else will be. I say to them better luck next Spring.

Did I tell you about the letter "Mumbles" wrote to the MBTA regarding the 20 percent fare increase they want to impose? Let me warn you that this is our mayor at his best fighting for you.

Mumbles writes:

"Riders should not be forced to shoulder the burden of this depth, and that, riders should not be forced to shoulder the financial burden for a transportation system enjoyed by the entire state." Then he writes: "Raising the gas tax would be the solution." And let's not forget he also wants a city meals' tax and a hotel tax in which he will get soon.

It's loons like him and Patrick, along with their kind who control the Legislature, that continue to drive this state right into the ground.

So this Saturday, your elected officials will return the favor to you. And the Beautiful People will continue to support their own worst enemy:

Their one party rule of liberal Democrats.

Aides wait at the doors as Mass. Gov....
Gov. Patrick answers questions from a
DNN reporter after signing a $27 billion
state budget from his office, which includes
$1 billion in new taxes. (DNN Staff photo)

Boston, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Colorblind test failed

Article -7=27-09

It's Henry Gates who plays race card

by Michael Graham
Monday, Jul. 27, 2009

‘I said, are you doing this because I’m a black man in America? Are you doing this because you’re a white police officer and I am a black man?” - Prof. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. recounting a conversation with his arresting officer in Cambridge.

So what if the cop had been black?

What if Sgt. James Crowley happened to be one of Cambridge’s 41 black police officers rather than bearing as he does the affliction of whiteness? If a black police sergeant responded to the call of a possible breaking and entering, and asked Gates for some form of identification, what would have happened then?

Gates would have been just as tired after his trip to China - an excuse his defenders use to explain his arrogance and rudeness.

And if having a cop show up at your door and ask about your identity is, as Gates claims, intrusive or insulting, it would have been just as intrusive from a black cop as a white one.

The context would have been identical as well: Nine daytime, front-door break-ins reported in the neighborhood in the first quarter of 2009; Gates’ own door damaged by a previous, possible break-in attempt, according to the police report.cw0

Imagine all the facts and all the circumstances identical, but a black police officer instead of a white one. What would have been different?


The tired professor would have found the strength to hand over his ID without significant objection. The officer would have gone on his way. No angry shouts, no (alleged) “yo mama” comments, no screams so loud they attracted the neighbors, or embarrassing photos of a raging Skip Gates on the front of the Herald.

All changed, not because of a different cop, but a different Professor Gates.

The Gates who greeted Crowley was a racist. And I know, because the professor said so himself.

By his own admission, Gates didn’t just blame the incident on the fact that he is “a black man.” He also added the accusatory question, “Are you doing this because you’re a white police officer?”

Review every account of the Gates arrest, including Gates’ self-serving interviews, and it’s hard to find an action of Crowley’s that can be characterized as inherently racist.

Yes, it’s possible that the arrest itself was a racist act. But it’s also possible that it wasn’t. It may have been a righteous arrest, or the action of an annoyed, flustered cop. Or Crowley may be a power-mad jerk with a badge. All possibilities.

But the only motive for Gates’ behavior, by his own admission, is the cop’s skin color and Gates’ race-based assumptions about him.

Once again, the “white cop” charge comes from Gates’ own words, not the police report. And not just white cops, but white witnesses, too.

According to an eyewitness quoted in the Herald yesterday, when police asked him for ID, Gates started yelling, “I’m a Harvard professor . . . You believe white women over black men.”

Not that Gates is without compassion. “Crowley should beg my forgiveness,” he told one reporter.

“If I decided he was sincere,” Gates assured us, “I would forgive him.”

Don’t you just love a rich guy who summers on the Vineyard asking a working-class cop to “beg”? How perfectly Cambridge.

Gates’ race-obsessed heart may not be in the right place, but his house certainly is.

Henry Louis Gates Jr., left, and Sgt....
Henry Louis Gates Jr., left, and Sgt. James
Crowley, right, got national attention
when Gates used the race card while being
arrested for disorderly conduct.
(DNN Staff photos)

Bernabei, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano
Al Siciliano
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lack of leadership endangers pedestrians

Article 7-20-09
Danger of elderly drivers becomes old news

Michael Graham
Monday, Jul. 20, 2009

It’s not funny anymore.

Another confused 84-year-old behind the wheel. Another child - a 23-month-old in a stroller - sent to the hospital. And that pathetic bunch on Beacon Hill we jokingly call “leaders” are still sitting on their aspirations.

For awhile, I was yukkin’ it up over our elderly driver problem and Massachusetts’ refusal to regulate them in any way. I had fun mocking them with sound bites from Grandpa Simpson on my radio show (“The metric system is a tool of the devil!”) and writing song parodies like “Wal-Mart Got Run Over By My Grandma.”

But yesterday, reading the story of two boys and their grandmother hit in a Medfield crosswalk, I didn’t laugh, smirk or roll my eyes. Instead, I got really, really mad.

I got mad because I realized that this isn’t going to end. Thanks to our gutless Legislature, I’m going to be reading the same headline tomorrow, or next week, or next month. And nothing is going to change.

This “joke” of a policy - of letting 90-year-olds drive around like they’re 29-year-olds - should have ended a long time ago.

It should have been over in October 2007 when a 76-year-old plowed through the lobby of a Brockton medical office and killed a doctor and a secretary.

Over when an 86-year-old hit a little girl at a Randolph school on the day of the 2008 presidential primary.

Over last month when a 93-year-old turned a Danvers Wal-Mart into an open-air market, almost killing a 1-year-old in the process.

And when 4-year-old Diya Patel was killed in Stoughton a month ago, something absolutely should have been done then.

Instead, we got deju vu all over again in Medfield.

It’s like we’re living the government version of the movie “Groundhog Day,” where the same stupid thing keeps happening and nobody does anything to stop it.

I’ve had it. I’m sick and tired of asking “How many headlines will it take?” when I know that for our spineless legislators, the answer is always going to be “one more.”

Those hacks who head the transportation committee, Sen. Steven A. Baddour and Rep. Joseph Wagner, have had years to take legislative action. Instead, Wagner still publicly insists that there is no age-based driving problem and, therefore, he opposes an age-based solution.

House Speaker Bob DeLeo and Senate President Therese Murray are even worse. If they cared about stopping the carnage, they could have a senior road testing bill passed in a day. That’s how long it took Beacon Hill to act when they thought then-Gov. Mitt Romney might appoint a GOP replacement for John Kerry in 2004.

But it is Gov. Deval Patrick’s lack of leadership that is truly a disgrace. He has said he would sign a bill if it gets to his desk. But a real leader would be in Medfield today, with every TV camera in tow. Pointing at that blood-stained crosswalk, he would demand immediate action from the Legislature, and promise to show up at the scene of every future accident and do the same.

This cowardice has gone beyond comedic fodder. It’s getting real people hurt, and more will be hurt tomorrow. And as long as Beacon Hill does nothing, they bear part of the responsibility.

There is more than just blood on the streets. There is blood on their hands.

 Diya Patel (Courtesy photo)
4-year-old Diya Patel was killed by an 88-year-old
elderly driver in Stoughton last month, only to be
set free without bail as she awaits her date in court,
Aug. 6. (DNN Staff photo)

Bernabei, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano
Al Siciliano
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I say, let's cage Deval and put him on death row

Article 7-13-09

Heartless governor takes aim on defenseless animals

by Donnie Boston
Monday, Jul. 13, 2009

What a state!

On Aug 1, the sales tax will increase by 25 percent.

You will be paying 6.25 percent more for alcohol even though it is already taxed.

Jobs continue to be slashed on American citizens.

Certain funding for people who risk their lives to save others have been slashed. (I'm talking about our police and firemen)

The state's gas tax is likely to increase in the near future.

And now our fuzzy friends at the Stoneham and Franklin Park zoos could be put on death row.

This is the rout Gov. Deval Patrick has chosen instead of cutting the funds for illegal aliens, who continue to bankrupt our state. He also continues to back a policy where the state hands out free cars and free cell phones with minutes to individuals he believes are qualified, and so on.

Last week taxoholic Patrick has now chosen to propose cutting $4M to our state zoos. If this passes, the Stone Zoo in Stoneham and Franklin Park Zoo in Dorchester would be shut down. This includes the possibility of putting down many of our beloved animals that reside there.

You remember what happened in 1990, don't you?

Due to the Duke's irresponsibility and corruption he administered, led this state to a huge budget deficit. Therefore, he chose to cut funding to our zoos, which led many of those defenseless animals to be destroyed because they couldn't be transferred. There was simply no place to put them. Dukakis was just another deranged individual that the Beautiful People elected to govern this state back then.

But today, things appear to be a bit more different as far as providing safety for our animals under such a situation.

The Beautiful People here are beginning to stand up and fight. The children are also included along with two national groups that have already formed to see to it that none of our defenseless animals are harmed. Letters have even been sent to Obama, pledging him to send funds to keep our zoos open.

Another bright spot is that this matter has made national headlines. Yes, Massachusetts is in the spotlight again for another embarrassing moment. But if Deval's proposal is passed, I'm sure other areas of the country would now welcome our fuzzy friends dearly. And I'm sure even these adorable creatures wouldn't mind fleeing such a state once and for all.

Unlike any other state, this is all about a never-ending story around here. Anything that gathers the people for any type of amusement and gives Massachusetts a good reputation, are destroyed by the loons who continue to run things.

Just think, we still got to get through 2011 with Deval being at the helm. I figure when his term expires, the damage here would be equivalent to an 10.0 earthquake. In other words, the damage would be so bad, nobody would want to come here, unless of course if you are an illegal alien, welfare recipient, drug dealer or belong to a gang. The funds will be there!

“Together We Can” sacrifice our livelihoods to make room for all of the above. And today what's even more sad is that our governor has included our defenseless animals as his scape goat just like his splitting image did in 1990.

So today, let's take a moment and pray that our friends at the zoos, like “Little Joe” and “Leo the Lion” won't fall victim to “Together We Can.”

One thing for sure, if Little Joe decides to hop a fence for a third time, at least now he'll have a good enough reason to.

Wild: Officials say budget cutbacks...
Uproar: Even "Leo the Lion" senses something
has gone awry, as TV cameras and reporters
roam his territory at Stonham Zoo
(DNN cameraman zooms in from a distance)

Little Joe attends a birthday party...
"Little Joe" is shown at a birthday party
for fellow gorillas Okie and Gigi Sunday
at Franklin Park Zoo. (DNN Staff photo)

Bernabei, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano

Al Siciliano
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.

Monday, July 6, 2009

You're Deval Patrick, and you just don't get it

Article 7-7-09

A brain-dead governor at his best

by Howie Carr
Tuesday, July, 7, 2009

Your name is Deval Patrick, and you are a taxaholic.

On Monday, a reporter asked you a question about raising the gasoline tax, and you blurted out, maybe we’ll have to.

On Tuesday, you signed into law both a 25 percent increase in the sales tax and a new 6.25 percent sales tax on alcohol, which already has an excise tax on it.

On Wednesday, you floated a trial balloon about increasing the state income tax, saying that some high-income taxpayers would be willing to contribute more.

You’re Deval Patrick, and you’re way too busy to check out the latest DOR statistics on how many of those wonderful affluent moonbats were willing this year to pay income tax at the voluntary higher 5.85 percent rate - 1,500 out of 3.1 million filers, which is one-twentieth of 1 percent.

You’re a taxaholic, and if Step 5 of the program is admitting the exact nature of our wrongs, then is it too late for you to apologize to all the homeowners in Massachusetts who’ve been waiting since 2006 for the property tax relief you promised them?

You’re Deval Patrick, and has anyone seen Doug Rubin? Because you’d like to ask him why in the latest polls you have fallen behind both Tim Cahill and Christy Mihos.

Tim Cahill, who lost $15 billion in pension funds in the economic meltdown, and Christy Mihos, who said in 2006 that he’d vote for you if he weren’t running - where the hell did Doug Rubin leave the opposition research book?

You’re Deval Patrick, and you devoted most of Wednesday to Operation: Change the Subject, doing one-on-one interviews in which you fell off the wagon again, rhapsodizing about jacking up the income tax.

You did all those interviews and still nobody is taking seriously your ethics reform bill that authorizes the state attorney general to begin impaneling statewide grand juries - in 2015.

You still don’t get that the voters are a lot angrier about the Marian Walsh scandal (which is 100 percent your fault) than about the Dianne Wilkerson scandal (which isn’t).

After all this time, you don’t understand that voters are more amused than anything else about Dianne stuffing cash in her bra. She was only grabbing a grand for a weekend at Foxwoods, while Marian was setting herself up for life with a $135,000-a-year pension - and she couldn’t have done it without you and Doug Rubin, and where the hell is he anyway?

Gov. Deval Patrick signs the 2010...
Gov. Patrick at what he does best: Signing
to law tax hikes, which includes a 25
percent sales
tax hike to 6.25 percent.
Since then, he has not
ruled out hiking the
gas tax. (DNN Staff photo)

Bernabei, Graham, O'Reilly, Carr, Siciliano
Al Siciliano
Unlike the others, we tell you what's really happening.